Ch 10, One of Three

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My eyes flew open, I was back in my den and it was around dawn. The rain was still drizzling outside, but the storm had past.
Looking over to my right I saw the drowsing figure of Moonshadow, still curled up and fast asleep. Her peaceful state seemed so dreamlike it was a little unnerving.
Rising to my paws I padded over to her and prodded her awake.
"Wake up lazy, today you have to hang out with your little siblings." I yawned, trying to shake off my sleep.
"But I don't want to Dapple, they're so little that I can easily squish one with one paw," she moaned sleepily.
"That's no excuse for a pup yourself, your still only five years old. Though today will be your last day being five, your still a pup until then!" I laughed, nudging her with my paw still.
"Fine, I'll get up! I am going to be the best Nightwatcher you've ever seen, you'll see!" She huffed, rolling herself over and onto her paws.
I watched as she stalked out of the den and scampered down into the clearing across to the nursery where Snowsong was tending to her adopted pups.
"A Nightwatcher, a demon, and a god...?" I muttered under my breath, thinking back to what the white demon had said in that dream.
"What is it now Dapple?" A familiar voice scolded from just outside the den's entrance. Then three gray heads poked in around the corner.
"Don't tell me you're going to be a permanent pup sitter." Graysky laughed, padding into full view.
"Heavens no Graysky, I just like being with Moonshadow. She's family after all!" I sighed.
"I know that look Dapple, something is troubling you isn't it?" Graysky huffed, his tone sympathetic.
I let out a long heavy sigh, meeting my successor's eyes.
"I have been having these strange dreams or more like nightmares. And in them I hear this voice telling me that we are all in danger if we stay here in the camp. That blood will stain our home and screams will fill the night," I moaned, my stomach clenching at the very thought of such a tragedy happening.
"I don't know what to really tell you Dapple about these dreams, you know what needs to be done to keep us safe. I trust you, we all do Dapple," Graysky replied thoughtfully.
"I know, but I have this feeling like that we should listen and leave camp for a while just to make sure." I pleaded.
Graysky smiled and gave me a nod with his heads.
"If that is what you feel we must do we will head out for a few days tomorrow after dawn. After all I am your next in line and I believe you from the bottom of my heart." He said before turning tail and making his way to a waiting group of Nightwatchers.
What Graysky said relieved me a bit but I couldn't help but still fear the demon's words.
You can't trust the dragons that lay waiting in the mountain. They come with blood on their minds. The day comes closer. The night will be filled with screams and blood will run like water in a river. Run, run before it's truly too late. Do it for her before inside she is lost to this cruel fate laid down.
These words, these weren't just words but a clue to the future! My brain had finally wrapped around what the demon was trying to tell me. So if this is true than I must figure this out!
Dragons in the mountain.... that must mean the Dracoweres in the mountain we can see. They come with blood on their minds... the Dracoweres are in demand of war. You can't trust the dragons.... we can't trust the Dracoweres. So the Dracoweres are plotting something?....
The day comes closer....the day we have to leave this place? But I don't know on this one. The night will be filled with screams and blood will run like water in a river....could that mean the something is coming to kill us in the night? Run, run before it's truly too late....we have to leave before it happens? Do it for her before inside she is lost to this cruel fate laid down.... who does she mean? Someone close to me, and something happens to her after this all happens and is never the same?
The riddles and ideas jumbled in my heads, who was this "She" again? Why would the Dracoweres have any quarrel with Nightwatchers? How could we leave this place, our home since the beginning of our kind? Does this mean we all are going to die from the Dracoweres in a single night?
Your brother and his mate made a deal, a deal that changed the fate of everything in these worlds. The being that came from it was not of one but of three. Itself as a Nightwatcher, as a demon, and another as a god.....
What did Sunleaf and Snowsong do? Exactly what was Sunleaf going to say to me when Moonshadow was born? He left something out, he didn't tell the whole truth how Snowsong was able to have a pup!
The idea stopped in my tracks and everything suddenly made sense! But I needed to make sure!
Not stopping to second question myself I raced out of my den and nearly leapt down the entire ledge of stones. I payed no attention to the few shocked gazes and gasps from passing Nightwatchers, as I sprinted into the nursery.
Snowsong stared shockingly up at me in alarm while Sunleaf rushed in from behind me.
"I need to ask you both about something very important," I gasped between quick breaths.
"Sure okay Dapple, but tell us why you came in here in such a panic! I never seen you act so frantic in years, are you sure your fine?" Snowsong gasped, her eyes looking up at me worried.
"Yes please do!" Sunleaf added, he too had a questioning look on his faces.
I took a deep breath.
"I need to know what you both did in order to have your only pup after it was said you couldn't," I said.
"Dapple, are you kidding me? What else did we think we did, used black magic or something than everybody does to have a pup!" Sunleaf scoffed, his tone turning from concerned to angered.
"You know that's a lie Sunleaf, I know you both made some kind of a deal a while back! But what really happened when that happened, what came out of that deal?" I growled, loosing my patience.
"Stop it you two!" Snowsong barked crossly, her white fur standing on end.
Immediately both Sunleaf and I stopped our arguing and turned to Snowsong.
"I will tell you what happened Dapple, but only if you promise never to tell Moonshadow." She glared, signaling for Sunleaf to leave.
Sunleaf didn't say a word as he turned around left the den, leaving me and Snowsong alone.

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