Ch 7, Fantasize

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They come with blood in their minds... the land we walk will fade... the light will leave our eyes forever more....we must walk to new lives... away from this slaughter in the shadow of the mountain in which they wait... time waits for nothing and swallows all that stands before it....the day will come without will be the last you see the light of this world....before it is too late...
My spirits seemed to dance among the clouds in the skies, never have I felt this good for a long time. Only yesterday Snowsong had given birth to a beautiful female pup, my niece.
The sun shined with such radiance on this day, the trees whispered in pleasure, even the eerie mountain seemed to lighten a bit.
By the time Nightwatchers are born they are able to see after a few minutes and walk a few after that, hearing was already available to pups. In about a day a pup could be hunting and talking like any other.
"Dapple Dapple!!! Where are you!" A small black pup charged out of the nursery. It's icy blue eyes searching wildly around for me.
"Up here Moonshadow! You fur ball, I thought even you had a brain bigger than a acorn!" I laughed as I called out to the pup for up on my ledge.
Down below Moonshadow let out a yip of fury, glaring up at me, as in surprisedly great speed she scampered up the stones.
Upon reaching me, she head butted me with her heads on my side.
"No, your smart as a giant fat slimy cracked bruised rock!" She shouted.
Grabbing her scruff gently with my right heads teeth I plopped her tiny squirming body between my front paws.
"Hey! Guess what Dapple!" She yipped looking up at me with enthusiasm.
"What is it now?" I moaned sarcastically.
In payment I received my ear getting pulled.
"Ow, that hurts Moonshadow! Okay I'm sorry, what is it?" I laughed.
Moonshadow let go satisfied with my apology, she giggled.
"I can breath fire! Watch this!" She yipped, taking in a big breath.
To my surprise three small jets of flame flared out of her tiny mouths, but this flame was pitch black!
"Wow Moonshadow! I never guessed you would have a black flame!" I said surprised, glad my niece was enjoying herself.
"I know! It's so amazing!" She smiled, her small white fangs visible.
There was certain colors of flame Nightwatchers could breath and they meant certain traits, fortunes, and meaning behind them. Red meant a fiery temper, strength, and luck.
Yellow meant very high luck, creativity, and skill. Blue meant calming aura, wise, and a future to look forward to. Orange meant energetic personality, big hearted, and adventurous. Green meant witty, mysterious, and tranquility. Purple flames were only known to be breathed by a few Dracoweres but they meant power, intelligence, and anger. But black and white were very rare, extremely few creatures have breathed these flames. Both have never been seen by many eyes. Black has been said to long ago belonged to a god that has been forgotten by all.....
I remember a story Needlefur used to tell us about a pure white Nightwatcher long ago who disappeared for a night to only return crazed and unfamiliar with all that it once loved. The Nightwatcher ran away from the camp and laughed and howled into the dawn..... It was said this Nightwatcher was in fact the first leader, Shadow's, mate long ago carrying his unborn pups.... only a few days after the white Nightwatcher disappeared, Shadow in grief while searching for his lost mate, found the still cold little bodies of his pups. The mate's scent was around them as if she was still nearby and she too grieved over their dead pups, but he never did find her, her alive or dead in the long life he lived searching for her til his last breath....Now we tell the story about the White Demon who dances and howls into the sky at night to dawn. If she catches you, your body would be singed in white flames and you too would forget. I once heard Needlefur whisper about how that if you stay up til the first break of dawns light, you will hear her crying out in her great hatred for the world. But it's all just stories.... right?....
"Aren't black flames really really rare Dapple!" Moonshadow grinned.
"Yes they are, you should be proud you have them! You are lucky you know!" I licked her heads, pulling myself by from my usual daydreaming about the past.
Moonshadow just grinned at the praise, clearly proud.
"Moonshadow! Come on back, time for our hunting lesson!" Blackfang called out, he was her mentor for her trainee training that was coming up in the following year.
Nightwatchers even though can train well at a very young age, they still have training for battle and skill only when a Nightwatcher reaches the age of 6 years. But they learn hunting before then so they have something to focus well on and perfect when they are young to get into good habit for later on.
"Aww, but I am talking to Dapple!" Moonshadow whined but reluctantly got to her paws and bounded down to meet Blackfang, his red eyes glinting with a hint of amusement.
I watched as they headed out into the forest, my mind at complete peace with my bright life that had taken root.
Yet I didn't have the same sensation of tranquillity in my dreams, in fact it was the opposite that I was not expecting.... nor didn't fear.....

Cold Blooded: Dapple's DownfallWhere stories live. Discover now