Ch 6, A Ominous Warning

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A faint figure stood in front of me, blocking my view of the path I had been walking down. Again I felt like I knew this being that stood there in front of me, but I had never seen this Nightwatcher before in camp. Though something did seem familiar to someone I did know, I just couldn't grasp it yet.
The figure stood there motionless and I could feel it's gaze on me but yet I couldn't see its eyes, as if fate itself wouldn't reveal them to me. All around us was a eerie mist, a dim light shone behind the mysterious Nightwatcher. Finally the being spoke, it's voice distorted and deep, but I sensed that it was of a female or what was.....
"Please, you must leave this place. The mountain holds our doomsday yet to come. Blood will be spilled on these grounds and will soak deep within her heart....." The Nightwatcher said in its broken voice.
"What is in the mountain! It can't be the Dracoweres, we made peace with them long ago. And what do you mean blood will be spilled, it's there some fight yet to come! Please tell me!" I cried out, but it was in vain.
For the Nightwatcher was beginning to fade along with the mist as I was waking from this dream.
"Save them before....—-" The creature whispered but was cut off as my eyes flew open and I was met back with reality.
I took deep breaths in to settle the fear that had been set in my stomach. Shaking my heads, I let out a huge yawn and stretched out my limbs as I began to prepare for the day ahead of me.
Who was that Nightwatcher? If it really was one of us, or something we don't know of.... And what was it saying that blood would be spilled and danger in he mountain? It makes no sense, the only creatures that live in the mountain is the Dracoweres and we haven't had any quarrels that I know of.
Letting a long sigh escape my mouths, I brushed the strange dream aside and padded outside.
Below in the clearing, Nightwatchers were emerging from their dens and beginning to organize into hunting packs and skilled packs. Some Nightwatchers had a skill for fire or stealth and were sent to practice these in a specialized part of the forest that nearly surrounds our camp.
In my trance of thought I had failed to sense the approach of Sunleaf coming up behind me on the ledge.
"Good morning, o' glorious leader!" He shouted in my right head's right ear making me jump in surprise.
I faced to see Sunleaf was laughing as usual when he did things like this, yet every time it still makes me smile to see him that way.
"You know I hate it when it do that!" I laughed giving him a friendly shove as I padded past him on my way down among the rocks.
"How's Snowsong? It's been a year since you told me the news." I asked as Sunleaf caught back up beside me as we walked.
"She's doing fine, she is quite happy these days, after all she will be due very soon by now...." Sunleaf's voice trailed off, like he knew something I didn't about the whole ordeal.
Still not wanting to make my brother offensive, I said nothing about it.
"Good to hear, so do you have any ideas for names yet?" I turned my gaze to the nursery.
Beside me Sunleaf followed my gaze and sighed.
"I sure don't, but Snowsong has thought of one. I overheard her whispering a few to herself earlier though."
"Don't worry, the right one will come in due time and I am sure it will make you proud father." I said cheerfully.
As time carried on, Sunleaf had left me to go out on a territory pack and I was walking towards the elders den. I was thinking of talking with Streamsong about more about what my mother was like, but I felt it could be spoken about another time. Still I made my way into the den and there slept Streamsong, her gray coat shone with little twinkles of light as her seventeen tails were curled around her.
Smiling I backed back outside as to not disturb her nap. The afternoon sun was above our heads now and soon the night would creep up once more.
"Dapple, you know that dazing isn't exactly good for a leader." A hysterical voice called out.
Turning my gaze to the source of the comment I spied the disappearing tails of Oaktail leading into the Hunters den. He must have spotted me coming back from the hunting pack from a little earlier.
Chuckling to my under my breath I began walking over to the Healers den, the scent of herbs growing stronger with each paw step. Looking out towards the camp entrance that lead up hill out of the dip I noticed Blackfang and Fishheart on guard. Padding past them I nodded my heads and they returned my greeting with one of their own.
Ducking past the ancient roots of the tree the over looked above the dip, I slipped inside. As usual I spotted Stonepelt sorting and organizing herbs by uses and scent, his soft blue eyes focused in his work. Not noticing me I began scratching my claws on the stone floor, this did grab his attention and he quickly turned to face me.
I was shocked to see his faces bewildered with questions and fear.
"Dapple, we have run out of lily flower!" He said with the most serious faces.
I instantly blew up in laugher as we both fell to our sides on the cool hard floor.
"Stop doing that, be serious for once would ya!" I laughed.
"No can do, after all you were Mister sad pup only a year ago. I have to force the happiness down your throats!" Stonepelt joked as he began to settle down, lying there in the Healers den.

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