when we were young (songfic)

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Sorry I haven't updated in AGES (no excuse for that), but here's one that's been sitting in the corner of my brain, nudging me whenever I try to sleep, so here it is!

(picture above is your outfit)

You all know the deal with C/N Y/N etc by now hopefully.


"Everybody loves the things you do,"  Y/N had only thought that this job would be simple, sing as background noise for a glamorous party, where she would meet a couple people, but go home none the wiser.

"From the way you talk, to the way you move" She sat down on the Grand piano, sweeping her midnight blue ballgown to the side as she carried on.

"Everybody is here watching you," By this point, Y/N was regretting that she hadn't looked at the guest list before agreeing for this favour.
"Cause you feel like home, like a dream come true"

There were so many things Y/N was regretting, but it all faded away when C/N smiled at the camera. Her childhood friend, and love, was at the party, and at the top of the guest list too, she supposed.

"But if by chance your here alone," Y/N looked up from her hands "can I have a moment before I go" C/N was fully engrossed in his current conversation, before the host and his wife came up behind him and made a statement about the pianist, and how they really enjoyed the pianist's friend's voice. C/N barely looked up, and could not see the pained face of  Y/N.

"Cause I've been by myself all night long, hoping you're someone I used to know," The host glanced at Y/N, then pulled thumbs up to the saddened woman/girl.

C/N was gazing around lazily for another guest to engage light conversation with, when his eyes alighted on the singer leaning on the sleek grand piano. Is that...


"You look like a movie,
You sound like a song," Y/N began on the chorus, though she didn't notice
C/N weaving through the crowd.

"My god this reminds me,
Of when we were young..."

"Let me photograph you in this light in case it is the last time, that we might, be exactly like we were before we realised;" Y/N sang passionately as    C/N burst through the crowd, only to look up at the girl he used to know. His heart swelled in his chest at the sight of her.

"We were scared of growing old, it made us so reckless..." She trailed off, catching sight of the handsome young man at the foot of the stage. Y/N let a single tear slide down her cheek,

"It was just like a movie," Her tear splashed to the ground,
"It was just like a song," C/N gracefully climbed onto the stage, off to the right,

"When we were young..." C/N ran to where Y/N was standing, and enveloped her in a hug.
Awws arose from the crowd, and some other girls narrowed their pointy eyebrows at the sight.

Y/N was taken by surprise, but she melted into the warm hug, and wrapped her arms around her old friend.


As the evening wrapped up, and the guests started to spill out onto the street and into their vehicles, C/N and Y/N stayed to chat to the host, Benjamin.

"So, when did you start to sing?" Benjamins's wife, Annette, asked Y/N.
"I think I started seven years ago? Ugh, I can't remember, but it's been awhile." Y/N replied.
"Is it true you two were long lost sweethearts?" Benjamin asked, with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"No, no no, we're just old friends, that's all!" Y/N stuttered, while C/N and she blushed.

"It's a pity." Annette sighed, leaving you two to look at each other, then blush even harder.

Once Benjamin and Annette had left, C/N turned to Y/N.
"How've you been?" He asked gently.

"Alright, considering, and you?"

"Well, but I missed you." Y/N was tired of blushing at this point as C/N said this,

"I missed you too," the pair had walked outside by now, into the moonlight. Few cars were left, on the street, and the fog had started to settle, cooling the night down to only a few degrees.

Y/N shivered, as an arctic breeze ruffled her dress.

"Here, now you should be warmer."  C/N took off his overcoat, revealing his crisp white shirt, and wrapped it around Y/N's shivering frame. She looked up to the man (or boy😉) that she had in her heart since the day they met and smiled.

They continued to walk until they had reached a small patch of grass, next to the pavement. C/N embraced her with a gentle hug, whilst Y/N wrapped her arms around him.

"Y/N, you wouldn't believe how much I missed you," C/N started, "I care for you, you know."

Y/N sighed, knowing all too well. But she also knew that he didn't love her, in a romantic way, like she did to him.

A lone tear slipped down Y/N's cheek, and C/N caught her chin and lifted her head up to meet his eyes.

"I love you," C/N mumbled into Y/N's ear.

Y/N's heart welled up.

He gently pressed his lips to hers, and sparks flew in Y/N. She was shocked at his sudden action, but then melted into the kiss.

They pulled away, and C/N looked away, embarrassed. Y/N pulled him into a hug, startling him, and murmured;

"I love you, too."

And with that, C/N placed a kiss atop of her head. The couple were illuminated with the moon behind them, perfectly. Her words hung in the air, and time appeared to still.


Hola Diva's!

Sorry for the slow update, but things have been hectic for me at the moment, and I haven't had a moment to myself until now! I hope you like it, it's not as long as the previous one, this story, with 972 words. But, still, I hope you enjoyed it!




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