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Hey Divas, haven't updated in AGES, but here's one I think you'll like. It's winter over where I am, so to me, this is very appealing.

edit from future self: this chapter was made in 2016 and I offer my humblest apologies for the ending of the story.


A slight summer breeze ruffled the pages of Y/N's book, forcing her to re-read the paragraph she had, but thought she hadn't, read. (The struggle is real).

Sighing, as she realised her mistake, she picked up her soda (or whatever kind of drink you like), and looked around at the serene coastline. Taking a sip, she looked back down to her book, and resumed the chapter.

Y/N was intent of relaxing today. She would not let anyone or anything get in the way of her vacation, so that's why she chose to bike down from her holiday home to the coast. It was really the perfect place to relax on a summer's afternoon. The odd Oak tree gently swaying in the breeze, fresh ocean air, and in this costal town, ice cream parlors. Truly, and absolutely relaxing. Oh, but only if you aren't bugged by a certain sibling.

Y/S/N (your sibling name, but if you are an only child, an annoying friend or something) was always, always out to annoy Y/N. But luckily, not today. They were stuck back at the beach-house, cleaning. This meant that Y/N got the day off from work she had to do on her holiday, which included projects, cleaning, and minding parent's children.

After two and a quarter hours, Y/N hadn't realised the silent footsteps behind her. She felt a slight tap on her shoulder, and spun around to meet a grinning face.

"Can I help you?" Y/N questioned the unknown male (idk), raising one eyebrow.
"That depends;
do you have a quarter?" (Or dollar depending on where you are in the world)
She did, in fact have a quarter, but was quite hesitant to give it to a stranger without an apparent reason.

"If I did, and I gave it to you, what would you do with that supposed quarter?" She drawled, a faint smile hanging on her lips.

"It'll be funny, I promise." The stranger's grin grew at such a rate that would otherwise be called 'mischievious'. In effect, flipping a figurative switch in our main character's mind, making her flawless face (at least to him) break out, too, in a mischievious grin.

Y/N dug into her rather shallow pocket (girls always get the short end of the stick in this department, and guys wonder why we keep on borrowing their clothes) and fished out a quarter, thus handing it to the friendly stranger.

Who cared what he was going to do with it? Y/N needed more excitement in her day.

Without warning, the man/boi (yes I read the comments) /boy took her hand and jogged to the nearest phone-booth, pulling Y/N along with him. He pointed over to another phone-booth not twenty meters away.

Boy, whoever designed this setup didn't have their head screwed on right she thought.

Regaining Y/N's attention, he zipped his lips, and mouthed

Then, slotting Y/N's quarter into the slot(?), he dialed a number, and they both could hear a faint ringing in the other phone box.

Murmuring a few words she could not distinguish into the speaker, he then grabbed Y/N's hand (again) and ushered her up a neighbouring tree, with low hanging branches. He sat her on his shoulders so she could reach a branch, then, once she was up, he took a big leap up and swung himself next to Y/N.

The other phone-booth had stopped ringing by now, for Y/N's newly found aquantiance had left a message into the other phone.

They waited for three minutes, before an unsuspecting middle-aged victim strolled up to the booth, a quarter in hand. Doing as the male now sitting comfortably beside Y/N had done, slotting in the quarter, and holding the receiver to their ear, it was hard to hold in their laughter as the face of the prank victim contorted into confusion, then horror.

They scarpered away, not bothering to replace the phone, letting it swing. Peals of laughter echoed through the empty street from the duo.

Y/N looked at her cackling partner, unknown to her fifteen minutes ago, but whom of which now felt like an old friend. Wonder brushed over her face, of her friendly acquaintance, that she didn't even know the name of!

His laugh died down as he realised she was staring at him.

"Oh! Almost forgot! My name's C/N!" Sticking his hand out, he grinned,

"Y/N. Nice to meet you, C/N," She shook his hand.

"What brings you here, wait, let me guess, you're on vacay?" Y/N nodded.

"Yeah, but I haven't really gotten the chance to explore before now," She said, "my sibling (or annoying friend) is really TLC."

"Some things in life just need a little love,"
Looking down at his lap, C/N rubbed his neck sheepishly.
"Hey, I know we've just met and all, but do you want to grab an ice-cream?" C/N looked up at her with his biggest, cutest, puppy dog eyes, pleading.

At this, Y/N almost looked surprised. "S-sure!" Under the intensity of his gaze, Y/N couldn't deny him (or herself) of that pleasure.

~~2017 ending~~

And then C/N fished into his pocket, and as his arm went further and further into his shorts, Y/N's curiosity sparked.

"Where is it?" C/N cursed, glaring down to his slowly disappearing arm. Almost at his elbow, he paused, making sure that Y/N hadn't left, before continuing his hunt into his pocket. She was wondering is his arm would come out the other end, his arm was so far down.

A broad smile spread across his face, as his fingers clasped around a small black case in his pocket. At this point, Y/N was very excited.

"Y/N, I've known you for 20 minutes, but I still need to ask you this question..." Y/N could barely contain herself as he pulled a case out of his shorts,


C/N slowly tugged at the zip, antagonizing her as it seemed, and as he flipped the top open, so the contents were hidden, Y/N took in a deep breath.

He flipped the case around, for her to see. She froze.

"Am I allowed to fidget?"
The bright red fidget spinner lay solitary surrounded in black velvet.

'This kid' Y/N thought.

"If you can't contain yourself, sure."


You need to wait for the part 2 ladies and gentlemen.


Hola Diva's!

OMG! I swear you guys are multiplying! It feels like it was yesterday when I had the title at 2k Special, then 3k Special, then 4k, 5k, and all the was up to...
Thank you so much😊
So, did you enjoy the 2017 cringe ending? No? Ok. I just felt like writing it, but never fear! I will likely (and I highlight likely because I'm very busy lately) continue the story if you guys want it.

Love Y'all!


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