bad dreams & inconveniences (gender neutral)

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Okay so things you need to know about this:
(Y/N) and (C/N) are dating
•I haven't specified any gender (I hope it's not too confusing)

This was requested by (previously named) @Thatone_emo_kid13


The funny thing about road trips is that you never know what will happen. "There is no destination; it's all about the journey!" one might say. The thing about journeys is that while we know that anything can happen, you will never know if it'll be good or bad. An occurence might look good, yet turn out to be bad or look bad, and actually be one of the best things that has ever happened to you. You would have no way to tell.

Thoughts like these wandered through (Y/N)'s mind as the soft sound of tires rolling over concrete acted as a lullaby for their slumber. Their companion sat beside them, hands on the wheel and eyes flickering between (Y/N)'s gentle form and the road. Fields of sun-yellow canola flower was all one could see for miles, save for the dry road stretching out in front of the couple and their front bumper. (C/N) sat in the drivers seat, as (Y/N) didn't have their full license yet. The heat outside the car was sweltering and the tar on the road glistened in the distance, a heatwave on the horizon.

The couple were fully prepared for a road trip: blankets and pillows in the trunk, piles of tasty snacks and refreshing beverages in the back seat, and a jam-packed schedule that (Y/N) had meticulously prepared, accompanied with a roadmap. It was a holiday that they'd both been looking forward to, and their favourite part? Spending quality time with each other.

A burning stench aroused (Y/N) from their rest and they groggily turned to (C/N).

"Are you cooking something?" They said dreamily, still half asleep and (C/N) raised an eyebrow.

"The car is- smells like roadkill!" (C/N) scrunched up their nose and pulled the car over. A hot blast of air rushed in when they opened the drivers door, and (Y/N) shot upright at the rush. If they weren't awake before, they certainly were now!

Through the dusty windscreen (Y/N) could see (C/N) popping the hood and peering in before a cloud of grey puffed. (Y/N) could smell smoke and death, the scent coming in from the open door.

'Ugh, I can't fix this!' (C/N) thought once they took a single glance at the mechanics. It was busted: somehow an unidentifiable animal had gotten itself trapped next to the engine, wedging itself into a tight nook which was breaking the system. The heat had been slowly cooking it for however long it had been in there ((C/N) estimated 45 minutes), hence the *appetising* smell.

"UGH! We'll need to stop by that town you were talking about ages ago. Hopefully the have a mechanic- I can't bear to think about fixing that myself!" (C/N) said after they slammed the hood shut and slumped back into the drivers seat. (Y/N) only hummed in response, before pecking (C/N)'s cheek.

"Stop being so stressed! We're on holiday, and if the car is kaput we can still have a good time anyway. Let's just drive to that town,"

"I don't know how far she'll go if we do. But, if you insist." (C/N) shut the door and frowned. The car started up easily enough, and with a bit of coercion was clunking down the dry road at 60kph. Luckily, the town wasn't too far away and it only took fifteen minutes before (Y/N) could see a community of houses on the horizon.

"Over yonder!!" They screeched, making (C/N) jump from surprise. Cursing at their (Girlfriend/Boyfriend)'s sudden exclamation, (C/N) sped up and zoomed ((nyoom)) almost all the way to the town.

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