I. The Storm

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This chapter is dedicated to the first reader/commenter @sheri_flames . Thanks for being the first :)


The breeze blew through the night, swaying whatever it caught onto, even the old Gumtrees swayed, threatening to fall over. As small creatures hid I was amused to find Axel, a small orange tabby rub against me. Even he knew that after tonight changes would happen, what they were was uncertain.

Resting my chin on my knees I watched as the trees swayed to the howling of the wind, my legs dangling over the deck. It was peaceful up here, yet it was also chaos, making me feel at ease with the past few days. Running a pack was hard, and this small break, even if it was just sitting up here while the Pack huddled inside the Pack House. It was nice just to feel... isolated.

"Luna," my guard, Lucas, snapped me out of my trance like state.

Glancing over my shoulder, I raised a brow at him, "Is something wrong? Is someone hurt?" I ask, worry for my Pack' safety being my first and only thought.

"Everyone is fine Luna, but we've already had damage caused in the east border to some of the Pack houses and there's... we've caught the scent of a rogue," Lucas answers, shifting on his feet nervously.

I didn't blame him. Rogues coming near our borders, especially during such a bad storm doesn't help and would make anyone uneasy. Especially the women in the Pack.

"Lucas, find three other warriors and try and find the rogue, I don't want the Pack knowing until after the storm," I say, looking out at the trees that were being knocked around.

"Yes Luna, what are we to do once we find the Rogue?"

Biting my lip, I looked up at the moonless sky, even though the sky was filled with thunderous clouds I knew there was a New Moon.

"New beginnings," I mumbled to myself, remembering what my Father use to tell me when we sat outside and watched the sky.

"Pardon Luna?"

"Bring the Rogue to the Safe House. Maybe we can offer him or her a chance," I offered, trying to be positive.

"As you wish, Luna," Lucas bowed his head slightly before leaving me to my thoughts again.

Despite the New Moon promising new beginnings, something told me it also promised new endings as well.

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