IX. The Elders

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Word Count: 1,344

As River promised, the run to Aequum was short. It would've taken less time if I hadn't gotten us lost and captured by Elves. Pushing the thoughts to the back of my mind we walked to the edge of Aequum, shifting back into our human forms I let out a groan, my joints sore from running. The edges of Aequum had a magical border that prevented shifters from being in anything but their true form.

Averting my gaze from River's we walked along the tree line, clothes were usually left near the trees for Were's. Grinning widely I picked up a lilac sundress, pulling it over my head I thanked the Goddess, it was a perfect fit. Looking over at River he had a loose white shirt on with a pair of pants that didn't fit properly.

"It'll do for now," River shrugged.

"To the Elders," I laughed, looping my arm in River's outstretched one.

Walking down a pebbled path I smiled as smells and sounds, both familiar and unknown drifted towards me. The smells ignited old memories, ones I'd almost forgotten about. Memories of my mother bringing me here as I ran down the streets that were lined with stalls and shops. Each stall and shop were owned, mostly, by Fairies or Elves selling enchanted objects or potions.

Passing a familiar store I froze, my eyes reading the sign. Nessie's Potions in bold yellow paint, the paint seemed to shimmer with magic, preventing it from peeling. Sitting on the table were potions, red for fertility, pink for beauty, blue to calm the nerves and purple for a broken heart.

I remember coming here six years ago after my father died to buy the purple potion for my mother. After my father's death my mother fell into a depression, refusing to leave her room. The potion helped her for awhile but one night she left, disappearing into the woods during a storm. Even though we searched for her, the Pack couldn't find her.

"Something wrong?" River asked, his eyes landing on the stall I was looking at.

"No, no. Just old memories," I mumbled, pulling River away from the stall.

As we continued down the street I grinned widely, as the street widened into a large courtyard leading towards the centre of Aequum. The large courtyard was at least a few miles long with people rushing to work or to shops, either way there were people of all different species. The courtyard was paved with large grey stones and lanterns with moon stones to light up the place. Elves dressed in clothes that resembled flowers or exotic plants. Stopping in my tracks I stood wide-eyed as a man passed me, red hair with blue eyes and a scent, one I'd only smelt once.

"Lycan," River whispered, his body tensing as he stood in front of me.

The Lycan looked over at us, his beautiful features twisting into a scowl as he looked at us. Muttering something incoherent under his breath before storming down a side street and disappearing into the crowd. Looking up at the back of River's head I could feel my heart racing as the electricity coursed through my body, looking down at the ground I followed River as he led me towards the large garden that held the Elders. Unlike Warlocks and Witches, the Elder's preferred being close to nature saying it kept them close to the Gods and Goddess'.

With each step the pounding of my heart echoed in my ears. With each step, I could feel the fate of my future becoming uncertain. Even though I'd known River for a few days, everything felt like it was being balance on a fine rope and at any second that rope would snap. I wanted this, us, to be Mates, to be what the Elves and Mermaids said we were. Instead, my thoughts kept pulling me back to Kali's words all those year's ago.

Stopping before the large vines that hung over the entrance I stood there, unable to move. Scared that my future, that the idea of Werewolves having Mate's again, wasn't a thing. That it'd never happen again. That this was just a hoax, a distraction to get me away from my Pack.

"What's wrong?" River asked, his finger hooking under my chin making me look at him.

"I can't," I whispered.

"Can't what?"

"What if the Elder's say that we aren't Mate's? That the Mermaid and Elves were wrong?" I ask, my breath hitching as my eyes start to water.

"Hey, there's no need for tears beautiful. Take a deep breath and look at me," River spoke gently, his voice soothing my nerves that were trying to jump out of my skin.

Nodding I looked at River's eyes, the ones that reminded me of the ocean and the depths and secrets that it held. Those same eyes that seemed to hide so many of its own secrets.

"Why are you worried?" River asked, his thumb running along my cheek.

"The... The Mate thing," I answered, trying not to cry. I hated crying, it made me feel weak and useless.

"The Mate thing?" River repeated, making sure he'd heard properly. I nodded in agreement, sniffling.

"Listen to me Scarlett, whether you believe that the Moon Goddess made us Mates or not it's okay. Because if we are Mate's, then," River paused, sucking in a breath as he closed his eyes.

"If we're Mates, then, we'll cross that bridge we come to it. We can join at the Moon Ceremony or we can try a slower approach. But know this Scarlett, I won't ever force you into something, understood?" River asked, looking into my eyes.

Nodding I tightened my grip on River's hand, smiling weakly, "Let's get on with this then."

River grinned widely, showing off his white teeth before pulling the vines back and walked through them. Forcing a smile I followed River through the vines, at first the walk was pitch black. After two more steps we stood at the entrance of a large circular room made of smooth stone with moss covering it. In the centre of the room was a large table with seven figures sitting there, speaking in hushed tones. Seven Elder's for the main seven Gods and Goddess'.

"Finally, you're here," a male voice spoke.

"Luna Scarlett, I was worried about you. You said you needed to see us for something important?" Kali spoke, her voice almost the same as ten years ago.

"My apologies Elder Kali, we ran into some issues along the way," I spoke, bowing my head slightly as I looked at my old friend.

"What was so important that you needed to see the Elders?" one of the other Elder's asked, a man with greying hair and the same lifeless white eyes.

"Yes, I want to know why we were all summoned here to see two wolves," another agreed.

"I'm sorry that we summoned you all here but its in regards to the Moon Gods," River spoke, his voice calm and even as he looked at the Elders.

"We are aware of the Moon Gods, the only one that speaks is Mani," Kali spoke.

I forgot this about the Elders, all of them spoke like robots, the same way Seer's did.

"The Moon Gods have joined us together, as Mates. As the Moon Goddess once did before Alpha Axel," River answered.

The Elder's frowned in confusion, whispering their confusion to one another. The only Elder that sat in silence was Kali, her hair fiery hair standing out amongst the other Elder's. Standing, Kali approached us, her eyes focusing on something we couldn't see.

"You bare the mark of the Gods. Why now?" Kali spoke, her voice soft and full of confusion.

"That's why we came to see you Elder Mika," I whispered, my heart pounding in my chest as her bony fingers traced an invisible pattern on River and I's joint hands.

"That's impossible! The Moon Goddess said no one could have Mate's ever again!" she shouted, her voice laced with hurt and confusion.

"That is because I made them Mates," a new voice spoke. Spinning around River and I froze, my mouth dropping in shock.

"Mani," an Elder whispered.


Hey guys hope you liked the new update!
I'm sorry it wasn't posted sooner I've been a bit busy.
I'm thinking of doing a cover contest. Comment if you think we should do one

Please don't forget to vote for the story if you enjoyed it!

Ellie 🦊

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