V. Senses

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Word count: 1,578

This was a stupid idea.

Sitting in a large puddle of mud, I glared up at River as he stood there, cackling at me. Glaring at him I pushed myself up, my clothes were soaking wet and clinging to my skin like a second skin. Clenching my hands I stormed past River as he tried to catch his breath.

"Oh come on Luna, it's funny. I didn't think you'd trip and fall into the puddle of mud," River chuckled, wiping his eyes from the tears he followed after me.

"Where are we going?" River asked, his voice full of amusement as he followed me.

"There's a small spring up ahead, I plan on bathing. Unlike you I don't like being covered in mud," I growled.

"Calm down, I'll go get the horses and meet you there," River's voice trailed off as he headed in the opposite direction.

Looking at the clear waters of the spring, I knew Merpeople lurked in bodies of water but hopefully I wouldn't be drowned for trespassing. Breathing in I stripped out of my clothes, struggling as they tried to stick to my skin. As the last piece of clothing finally came free I inhaled deeply, finally free of the wet clothes that had stuck to my skin. Peering at the clear blue water I pushed aside the fear I had of merpeople and drowning, and stepped into the water.

The water was surprisingly warm, making me grin in delight. There was nothing worse than stepping into a spring that was like ice. Of course, my mother said that if a spring was cold like ice a siren lived there. And if it was warm, kind mermaids lived there. But those were just stories my mother use to tell me to help me build confidence after almost drowning. It almost worked.

Forcing the memories and my fears aside I walked further into the water a shiver running through my body. Cupping the water I washed my face, trying to freshen up. Looking around, I realised the spring was quite large, at least half a kilometre in length with shrubs stopping a few feet before the waters edge.

"You should really pay attention to your surroundings," a voice spoke.

Rolling my eyes I turned around, ready to make a snap at River for being a creep, instead my mouth dried up as my eyes landed on the figure. The first thing my eyes landed on was a green scaled tail that stopped mid-torso with a few stray scales continuing along the pale skin. My eyes soon founding the large black eyes that stood out against the silvery hair that was similar to seaweed. My heart stopped as I stared at the beautiful creature, this was it, I would die at the hands of a Mermaid and there was nothing I could do.

"I'm not going to kill you Wolf, not today anyways. We can see His presence on you. We can smell it too," the Mer spoke, her voice like bubbling water as he spoke.

"What do you mean by His?" I asked, my voice was shaking as the water seemed to turn ice cold.

"Mani. We can sense power, and we smell it on you and that other one. You both smell like Him, so how? You can't be a gift from the Heavens, those aren't given to your kind anymore," as the Mermaid continued to speak I could feel the anger rolling off her in waves.

"I don't understand, what do you mean a... a 'gift from the Heavens'?" I asked, frowning in confusion.

"Soulmates, from the Gods in the Moon. A gift for the Wolves, you are marked by them. How?" the Mermaid demanded.

"I don't know! I don't know! I'm seeing the Elder's because it shouldn't be true. I want it to be but the Moon Goddess said we weren't allowed to have Mate's anymore!" I shouted, tears falling down my face as the fear and the truth finally kicked in. Covering my face I let the tears fall freely, my heart collapsing in on itself as I stood in the water crying.

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