VIII. Wolves

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Word Count: 1,136

As we walked along the dewy grass my heart pounded in its cage, with each beat, it cracked. My wolf was ignoring me, choosing to whimper and cry instead f speaking to me. Looking up from the grass I wasn't surprised that the Realm of the Fey was beautiful. It was even more beautiful than the Aequum the Capital of our lands, the trees were mostly Willow trees and Cherry Blossoms.

"Luna? Come on talk to me," River pleaded, his voice full of desperation.

Since leaving the King's palace, I hadn't spoken to River, my mind and wolf in a state of chaos while my emotions were in a whirlwind of confusion. Pulling off my clothes River made a noise from beside me. Looking at River from the corner of my eye I noticed River was staring up at the sky, his face a bright red. Shrugging I allowed my wolf to take over, whimpering in pain as my bones snapped and reshaped themselves. Standing on all fours I looked at River, my vision was shaper and more focused now. In the bright light River's curls sat upon his head like a golden crown his eyes looking like sapphires.

"The nearest Portal that leads out of the Fey and is luckily, on the outskirts of Aequum. It'll be an hours walk. Half an hour at most in our wolf forms," River spoke, his eyes looking for something I couldn't see.

River started walking to the right, his eyes fixed on something in the distance. Following River I nudged his leg, waiting for some form of explanation.

"The Portal is over here," he spoke.

Stopping in my tracks the King's word came back to me.

"Your time begins once you leave the Realm of Fey."

Right now we were still in the Realm of the Fey, perhaps there was some way we could get the Elders to come to us. No, I thought, they wouldn't leave the safety that Aequun provided them. Maybe if I could get a message to Kali. No, it wouldn't work.

"The Elder's can't come into the Realm of the Fey unless they have permission and you know that," River spoke, voicing my ideas out loud.

Dropping my head I laid down on the grass, unsure of what to do. What was the point in seeing the Elder's with hope for Werewolves in having Mates again if the only evidence was to be taken away in forty-eight hours? Resting my head on the grass I let out a huff of air, focusing on the green grass that tickled my nose. Silently, River sat beside me, his legs stretched out before him.

"Once we leave the Realm of the Fey time starts, I know you want a solution for this situation, but right now there isn't one," River spoke, his voice calm as he stared up at one of the Cherry Blossoms.

Frowning I tried to focus on anything other than the fate that had been laid before us, one that wouldn't have a happy ending.

"Move your head, I want to Shift," River mumbled.

Lifting my head I watched as River stripped to nothing, my wolf drooling at the sight of him. River laughed before allowing his bones to break and reshape. As he stood in his wolf form I was surprised to see grey fur, it wasn't that grey and white were uncommon. It was that most wolves fur was based on where it originated from. Red-brown fur, like my wolf were common in woodland areas, whereas white and grey wolves, like River's were generally found close to mountains. Didn't River say he was from the mountains?

Nudging my neck River walked in front of me, his grey fur standing out against the bright green scenery. Following after River I had to walk faster than usual, River's wolf was bigger than mine which was normal. Most male wolves were bigger than females, especially those that lived in higher climates. Smiling inwardly, I pounced on River, tackling him to the ground. Growling playfully River pushed me off him, pinning me under him. Groaning I shifted back into my human form, glaring at River. Once in his human form he laughed.

"Come on, a single tackle to the ground and you call it quits?" River teased.

"I don't like being pounced on, its one of the many reasons I suck at fighting," I grumbled, not noticing the fact that River still had me pinned to the ground.

"You don't have to be a skilled fighter to beat someone, an elbow to the stomach or the flat of your palm to the throat. Easy things that give you enough time to cause more damage or to run away," River spoke, his eyes watching me.

"I know that already," I whispered.

Suddenly I became aware of how close our bodies were and the fact that both of us didn't have clothes on. Looking away from River I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"What's wrong?" River asked, unaware of how naked we were.

"Your wolf is beautiful, you said you were from the mountains. Right?" I ask, trying to ignore my current situation.

As Werewolves, being naked was something we should be comfortable with. I, on the other hand, didn't like being naked. River on the other hand seemed to love being exposed and to have everything out in the open. River smiled softly, his hand cupping my face as he leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to my lips. Smiling, I tangled my fingers in River's hair, pulling him closer as the kiss deepened. Each one filled with more need, each one causing the fire in my core to spread. Pulling away from the kisses I looked up at River, his blue eyes darker than normal with a ring of silver in them. Clearing my throat I looked away from River's intense gaze as I pushed him off of me.

"As lovely as this place is, we have to go. We have to see the Elders," I spoke, standing up from the ground.

"It'll be easier if we shift into our wolves again, the time will be cut in half. I know the way from here," River spoke, leaving no room for questions.

Nodding in agreement, we shifted into our wolves, silently walking through the fields to the nearest Portal. My thoughts drifting to the kiss from earlier, my heart smashing against my rib cage as I followed River.

Hey guys!

🐝Sorry this is just a filler chapter. The next chapter will be good (in my opinion)

🐝I'm thinking of doing a cover contest? Comment if you think I should.

🐝Stay tuned for the next update which is on Thursday!

🐝Please like and comment! (Commenters do get shoutouts)

Ellie 🦋

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