(6) Compliments and Insults

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The next morning you wake up late. You had forgotten about the guest in the house until you came downstairs and saw Kate and your mother talking in the living room.

"Good morning!" Kate greeted you first. You loved it when she spoke Korean, her accent was adorable to hear. Eventhough she live for a long time in States, She can speak korean fluently. You even prefer called her kate rather than Taehee actually. You hoped that's what people thought when they heard you speak English.

"Good morning," you smiled back at her and your mom.

"You woke up until now?" Your mother gaped at you. It really wasn't your intention but you couldn't help it. You had a lot on your mind.

"Where's dad?" You asked glancing around and then entering the kitchen to check if they were there but It was empty

"He went out with Nana and Taehyung," your mom answered. "He went to show them around Seoul."

"Really? So early?"

"y/n, it's not early. You woke up late," Kate laughed.

You frowned, glancing at the clock in the kitchen. It was early in the after noon. You gasped.

"Woah! Damn! I woke up late!"

"Yes you did," your mother continued, "your dad wanted you to go with them but he didn't want to wake you up. Taehyung and Nana must think that you're a lazy ass."

You sighed, "I'm going to go shower..." With that said you went upstairs and into your room. You picked out an outfit to wear and then headed out your room, to the bathroom for a shower.

Through out it all your thoughts were on Jungkook. You just couldn't hate him or stop thinking about him and you hated that even more. To stop yourself from thinking about the only guy who made you go crazy, you began to think about Taehyung. You thought he was a jerk. You wondered if he meant to be a jerk to you or he was naturally isolated and rude.

You didn't understand him. He was good looking, yes. But that didn't mean he had a right to treat you like shit. Since you didn't want to argue with the guy or make trouble, you decided to follow your mom's advice: ignore him and he will ignore you.

You hoped it would work because last time you tried that with Jungkook, it didn't go so well.

You came out an hour later with a towel wrapped around your body and head. You were obviously not expecting to see anybody waiting outside, less Nana and her grandson.

You froze and smiled. "Hi."

Taehyung stared at you for a short second before turning around, as to not make you embarrass. Nana smiled back and slightly hit you on the naked arm.

"Y/n, you have an amazing body!" The old lady cooed. She turned to her grandson and gave him a nudge.

"Isn't she a beauty V?" She smiled and Taehyung rolled his eyes. He looked at you before shrugging and entering his room.

You blushed red and turned to Nana.

"Don't worry about him,"she assured you."He's a little shy when it comes to girls. Now are you done? I need to use the restroom."

You nodded and moved to the side, letting her pass by you.
After the door to the bathroom closed, you let out a gasp. That was embarrassing! Why did she ask Taehyung that, you thought.
As you stood there and blushed to yourself, Taehyung's room door opened. At that, you made a run for your room. You almost slipped on the way there but nevertheless managed to enter the comfort of your room and lock the door behind you.

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