(19) Theories and Awkward Lunches

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"What are you doing?"

"Moving," Taehyung replies. You want to laugh but you hold it in because Joohyuk is staring you down like a hawk from across the salon, right behind the counter.

Taehyung is doing some sort of ballerina move, where he puts his feet together and then bends his knees in a really weird position, more or less like a ballet student.

You have an idea on why he's doing it, and you get proven right the moment Taehyung opens his mouth to speak.

"I feel like I can do anything," he says, "The waxing sort of made me more light on my toes."

You roll your eyes and shake your head. It's kind of amusing to see Taehyung so dumb. He's acting like a toddler, moving around and doing different poses.

"He removed your pubic hair, not give you superpowers," you say.

Taehyung looks at you with a glint in his eyes, "Are you sure about that? I feel like I could kick your ass."

Moments like this make you wonder Taehyung's actually age. Maybe 12? 14 max?

"So what? You just waxed your pubes and now you feel like you hold authority over me or something?" You say and you're already thinking into getting into position, just in case he does decide to attack you.

Except, you hope he doesn't. Because Joohyuk is still openly staring at you. He looks amused and slightly intrigued.

"Yes," Taehyung simply answers, "Who knew getting rid of your pubes would be this great."

"I bet you're reacting like this because the change was so great," you smirk, "Tell me, was it like a forest?"

"What was?" Taehyung frowns and doesn't stop doing ballerina stretches.

You laugh, " Down there , was it like a forest?"

Taehyung doesn't miss a beat, "My cock?"

You are taken a back by such choice of words. You almost choke on air because it's so vulgar and you're at a public beauty salon. Not to mention, Joohyuk is right in front of you guys and now he looks very surprised.

"You guys are weird," He says.

"Then don't listen, Joohyuk ," Taehyung scoffs and makes sure to pronounce his name with a long and cold tone, "This is a conversation between bros, right Y/N?"

You glare at him and don't even bother to answer. He's rude, isn't he?

"It seems like you don't like him," Joohyuk says and it's obviously directed at you. You feel so odd making eye contact with another person that isn't blood related to you or isn't Taehyung, for that matter.

"I mean, I don't hate him..." You say to him. Joohyuk feels extremely accomplished that you spoke to him. This is the first time he has heard you speak, not to mention, directly at him.
He is definitely going to tell the guys at school tomorrow. They're going to be speechless. And very jealous.

"That's flattering," Taehyung mumbles next to you. Then he turns to Joohyuk, "So why do you care so much?"

Joohyuk shifts on his feet, raised eyebrows and a curl on the corner of his lips, "About what?"

"About Y/N. You seem to stare at her a lot."

You are sort of glad Taehyung says that because you want to know the answer, too. Only that you would have much rather stick to a more subtly way of asking Joohyuk. You would have never dared to ask him so bluntly.

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