(20) Rumors and Anxiety Attacks

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"Where are you going?" Jieun pulls Jungkook's hand. The boy turns around and looks down at his girlfriend. He had forgotten she was there in the first place.

"Hello? Earth to Jungkook?" She repeats with a stern frown.

Jungkook stops staring to answer her, "Sorry. Y/N is sitting with the guys and I want to know why. She's very socially awkward," he turns to look at you, "I don't understand why she'd suddenly sit with them."

Jieun stays still and she doesn't stop looking at her boyfriend's face. It kind of bothers her, maybe just a little as to why he cares so much about you.

"Why do you care?" She asks.
Jungkook thinks about it for a second before shrugging, "She's my friend."

Was , actually, but he'll never admit to the reality.

Jieun's eyes flicker to you for a second, you looks nervous but not that uncomfortable.

"She looks fine, Jungkook," She says and pulls on his hand again, "Let's just go have lunch, like usual."

Jungkook shakes his head, "No, I know the guys and they're gonna make her uncomfortable. Can't we just sit down with them?"

Jieun groans and now she is really annoyed, "Oh god. Fine, but we're not sitting down with them. You can sit on a table close to them." And then she glares at him and walks away to make the line and grab some food.

"Are you mad?" He asks after her and a couple of people look their way.


It's Bogum who speaks first.

You put your whole attention on the class president and it's obvious he's nervous about speaking to you, or about you, in this case.

"Taehyung, what are you doing?" He asks and he glances briefly at you and at Bora to make a point.

Taehyung snorts, "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm proving my theory! Putting all the pieces together!"

You shift awkwardly on your seat. Youre sitting in between Bora and Taehyung.

You're burning red and your heart is beating rapidly.

You really want to leave. Mostly since everyone is watching.
"What theory?" Bora asks because it seems like no one else at the table is asking.

Bora is very intimidating so the boys try their best to not stare right at her.

"When I first came here," Taehyung begins, "They told me there was this girl called Y/N who was known as the Ice princess and that she was a total rude bitch."

You look around you, the boys look nervous and uncomfortable. When you look at Taehyung, he looks very determined.

"Did you or did you not?" He continues and you want to tell him to stop because he's hurting you and creating an awkward atmosphere around everyone.
You don't need to know what they say about you, is better if you don't, actually. Yet, you still want to.

Jackson shrugs, "I mean, yeah... But that's because that's exactly how you act."

He's looking right at you. It feels suffocating. The way people are looking at you, the way Jackson looks at you. It's the same curious yet hard stare everyone in the cafeteria has at the moment. They all want to know what you're doing there, how your voice sounds. Will you lash out and yell like the rumors say you'll do if a person speaks to you?

You want to speak but your throat hurts and your lips are dry and it's embarrassing and tough to even say a word. You want leave.

"She's not like that," Bora says and it warms your heart and makes your fist clutch, "Those are stupid little rumors people make up because they don't know her."

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