Chapter 8 - "Risks"

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Hey everyone! :) 

Thank you for your patience while this story was 'on hold.' I was battling with keeping two stories going plus all my school work so I focused on getting Trust Issues finished. But now it's finished and I can finally start uploading this story again :) Hope you enjoy this chapter! 


Chapter 8 – “Risks”


When I was thirteen I went to the cliffs with some girls from school. The cliffs were a popular hangout for all the ‘cool kids’ which I had been lucky enough to be invited into. They had taken me under their wings a year ago and I just adjusted. I felt happy there. They were my friends.

I was nothing like them though. I had lied to myself enough to believe that I was. I watched horrified as a few of the guys ran up to the edge and without a care in the world, they jumped.

They jumped through the sea air, hoping to hit the rough waves below. I had asked many ‘what if’ questions but the other girls told me I worried too much. They told me the cliffs were a place where I left my worries behind.

When you jumped, you were free. 

“Your turn, Sophie.” Andrea had smiled to me, her arms crossed over her chest.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked towards the edge. I wanted to fit in; I wanted to leave everything behind. But to do that you had to be a risk taker.

“Come on Soph, I’ll come with you then.”

She tucked a strand of brown hair behind her ear and raised her eyebrow, waiting for my answer. I waited for words to escape my mouth but they didn’t.

I was scared.

And then I heard the noises that instantly made me agree to the dangerous risk. The girls behind me began to cluck like chickens. I didn’t want to look like a chicken in front of them all; I didn’t want them to ditch me.

Peer pressure is a horrible thing growing up. It can lead you to dangerous things that might even get you killed. I didn’t want to give in but it wasn’t that easy; if I didn’t go through with it, I’d be alone.

I couldn’t lose my friends while my mother had cancer. I needed the support from them all.

Andrea took my hand and we ran towards the edge. With one fluid movement I strode off the edge into the open air. The thrill gave many feelings; fear was the main one. Then I felt freedom, my mind went blank and only focused on hitting the cool water below me.


“Where are you Jason?” I mumbled to myself, looking for any sign indicating I mightn’t be alone here.

Nothing. I was completely alone. I could only hear the faint sounds of party music and car horns in the distance, but other than that, everything was quiet. I could be patient for ten minutes. I could be patient for thirty. But not an hour. An hour was ridiculous.

“He forgot about me...”

I wiped my eye, wiping the one tear that had escaped. I wasn’t letting anymore escape though, one was already too many.

I took the regular route back and decided to just go shop until I forgot about Jason forgetting. I just continued to tell myself that it was a misunderstanding and that he’ll come running after me, apologising profusely.

But I never heard my name being called. Nor did I hear his running strides getting closer. He wasn’t here and he wasn’t coming.

“Hey pretty lady,” I heard a man slur beside me as I walked towards the shops.

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