The Funeral

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Reece's P.O.V
"Reece. You need to get up and get ready." Blake says.

"I'm not going." I reply.

"Of course you are going." George says.

"I'm not because it was my fault. I don't deserve to say good bye." I say.

"It wasn't your fault." George says sternly.

"You loved her"

"I love her." I interrupt Blake.

"You love her and she loved you. You've got to say goodbye." Blake finishes.

"They won't want me there... Especially James." I say.

"Fuck them. Who cares what they want. Think about what Amelia would've wanted." Blake says raising his voice.

"Any sign of trouble and I'm going." I say.

They're wrong. Amelia would't of wanted me there, I killed her.

I stand away but close enough to see what's going on. Amelia arrives in the hearse. James, Rick and her cousins lift her casket out and Sarah bursts into tears. I feel a tear roll down my cheek.

Once everyone's gone in I make my in siting at the back. A few hymns were played, the reverend says a few words then James goes up.

He takes a few breaths then starts his poem about Amelia.

"My dear sister Amelia, how your life ended way to soon." James looks up and makes eye contact with me. He pauses before carrying on.

"You had a future, you were bright, funny and most importantly my best friend." James breaks down into tears.

The service finishes so I walk outside. I take a breath of fresh air before feeling someone shove me to the floor. I look up to see James.

"How dare you. After what you did to her." James shouts.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I shout.

"Sorry won't bring her back to life" James says before punching me in the mouth.

I don't even try to fight back as I deserve it. James throws a few more punches and kicks before the fight being broke up by Rick.

"Go. Just leave. You should never have came." Rick says sternly.

I get up wiping my hand across my nose to see blood all over my hand before walking off. Once I'm away from everyone I break down.

"Amelia. I'm so sorry. If I just left you alone you'd still of been here today. Fuck sakes Reece." I say through cries.

I start to scream whilst balling my eyes out. Away from everyone.

I make my way back to my house. Grab any pills I can out of the cupboard and a bottle of water. I go to where Amelia was buried earlier on. I shove every pill possible into my mouth taking some water before laying down next to Amelia shutting my eyes.

The end!

A/N - So there you go. Thank you so much for your continued support throughout the story. I'm glad y'all liked it. Lotta love ♥️♥️

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