1 Week

341 13 4

A/N - I put this music here so it would set the emotion for the chapter.


I phone Reece to talk over what I was going to say to James. Then I waited.

I'm scared. He'll flip out. Maybe I shouldn't tell him. No Amelia, you will tell him!

Time goes by and I'm still sitting here.

He'll go after Reece. If I get his keys then he won't be able to go in his car. Get the keys.

The door opens. I freeze.

"Hey Amelia." James says walking into the living room.

"Hey James." I say.

James puts his keys down onto the table.

"I'm just going to put this stuff in my room." James says before going upstairs.

Get his keys.

I get up and grab James' keys before going back into the living room. James comes back downstairs.

"So, are you ok? Less than a week till twenty one pilots." James asks me.

"Yeah I'm alright and I can't wait." I say.

"You don't seem that exited." James says concerned.

"Can I talk to you?" I ask.

"Yeah sure." James says as he sits down.

I stay quiet. I want to get my words out but it's like there is something stopping me.

"Well... what is it Amelia?" James says.

"Well um."

Just spit it out Amelia.

"I've been been seeing someone." I say quietly.

James' face changes from concerned to angry.

"What?" James says.

I sit there not knowing what to do.

"Who?" James asks.

Just say it.

"Amelia!" James says getting angry.

3, 2, 1.

"Reece." I say.

James makes his way for the door. I get up and stand in front of him so he can't get out.

"Don't go after him." I say.

"Move." James says.

I stand there not budging. James pushes me out of the way then goes for the front door. I get up before I run into the kitchen then out of the back door.

I don't have my car keys so I go to James' car. I open it then get in. I see James coming around the corner and I shake missing the key hole repeatedly.

"Come on Amelia." I say to myself.

I finally get it in. I turn the engine on before going to Reece's hotel.

I park the car over two spaces before rushing into the hotel. I make my way for the lifts but they're out of use. I have to go up the stairs all the way to the 5th floor. I ring Reece as I walk.

"Hello." Reece says.

"Reece. I'm coming up the stairs. I told James and he's angry. You need to get your stuff together as he knows you're staying at this hotel." I say out of breath.

"Ok. Calm down. I'll get my stuff together." Reece says.

I practically run up the stairs. Reece's room is in front of the stairs. I knock at his door over and over again.

"Reece. Come on. Let's go." I say grabbing onto Reece's hand and walking right to the top of the stairs.

"Amelia calm down." Reece says jerking his hand out of my grip.

I loose my balance. My foot slips. I fall backwards. My hands out I front of me.

"AMELIA!" Reece shouts.

Down the stairs I go. My body hits each step before I finally come to a stop.

Reece's P.O.V

Amelia knocks at my door over and over.

"Reece. Come on. Let's go." She says grabbing onto my hand and walking is right to the top of the stairs.

"Amelia calm down." I say jerking my hand out of my grip.

Amelia looses her balance. Her foot slips. She falls backwards. Her hands out in front of her.

"AMELIA!" I shout.

I want to reach out but I freeze. All of our memories together flash before my eyes. When we met. Blake's birthday. Tour.

Down the stairs she goes. Her body hits each step before finally she comes to a stop. Her fragile body covered in bruises.

I run down the stairs throwing myself at her. I start to cry.

"Amelia. I'm sorry." I say taking her head and placing it on my lap. I hold her.

I check her pulse, she still has one but it's slow. She opens her eyes.

"Amelia." I say.

She try's to speak.

"Don't try and speak." I say.

Someone then comes up the stairs and stands looking.


"Everything's going to be ok. Just hold on." I whisper to Amelia before kissing her forehead.

James comes up the stairs looking at me then at Amelia.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" James shouts.

I ignore him. He try's to push me of Amelia.

"Stop." Amelia says faintly.

Amelia looks up at me.

"I'm sorry." Amelia says before closing her eyes.

The paramedics come up the stairs.

"NOOOOO!" I cry shout.

"AMELIA!" James shouts.

I just sit there sobbing.

The paramedics want to take a look at her but I shove them off not wanting to let go of her.

I finally let go and let the paramedics try and resuscitate her.

The two paramedics look at each other before one looks at her watch.

"Time of death 17:57" One paramedic says.

A/N - I'm sorry. I know you're all going to hate me for this :/

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