Chapter Six: The Second Defeat

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The troops where marching, both humans and animals made their way in synch to the Magic Kingdom, hoping that Mickey's forces where still resisting against the troops of the Dark Army. Amongst the crowd of people, King Simba marched, the lion king led his army proudly, and sure that no one would be able to defeat them. "Remember that amongst their troops are witches and wizards, all powerful enough to cause harm to us..." He began to orate the classic speech a general or king usually gave his army before any battle. "This night will be remembered as the time that the troops of light defeated once and for all the grasps of the darkness!" He yelled out loud and let out a mighty roar as he turned around and began to run at high speed towards the entrance of the Magic Kingdom.

Trolls and goblins guarded all of the entrances to the kingdom, specially the main entrance. "'Ere they com'!" One of them yelled to the rest as he ran towards a huge horn and blew it, the sound was heard through all of the streets of the kingdom, as well as some parts of the Enchanted Forest. "Som'one inform the Mistress herself! The spell needs to be activated at once, they're bigger in numbahs!" The disgusting creature said out loud, now shooting flaming arrows at the crowd of humans and animals that ran towards them.

The second battle of this war had begun. Both sides fought for the control of the capital. Trolls, shadows, heartless and more dark creatures came running from everywhere; streets, buildings and trees. Everywhere Simba's forces turned to look at, there were at least three dozens of the enemy's forces. "Keep fighting!" Simba roared as he battled against some goblins, defeating them pretty easily. He let out a roar as he transformed into his human form, wearing shinning golden armor. A sword on a hand, and a shield on the other one, a bow & arrows were being carried on his bag. As soon as he caught a trolls running towards him on the corner of his yellowish eye he dodge the swung from the enemy's sword and fought back.

Pete, High General of The Dark Army, walked out of the castle and into a balcony, he was being surrounded by some shadows as his bodyguards. The fat cat took his telescope out and stared at the battle going on outside the Kingdom's walls. "Inform Maleficent that they're here... The troops should start marching towards the Pride Lands and Arendelle." He ordered to one of the shadows as he stored the telescope once again. A chuckle came out of him as he saw the battle from a distance. "They won't know what got them!" He chuckled more and then waved his hand, indicating that the Cursed Pirates should enter battle immediate, both Barbosa's and Jones' men ran outside one of the gardens and started to attack Simba's army.

Inside the palace's walls, at the Throne Hall, Maleficent and the rest of the villains celebrate their recent victory when the shadow burst into the hall, whispering what Pete had told him. Oddly enough, the whispers echoed through the hall. "Marvelous, those pitiful lands will hence forth have a new ruler..." She said coldly as she stood up and walked outside the hall and into the balcony behind it, which had a view of a garden that lead to the Enchanted Forest. "My fellow dark beings!" She began as the rest of the Council entered the balcony, all of them carrying smirks on their dark faces. "Today is the day two of the most despised kingdoms fall! For today we shall invade Arendelle and The Pride Lands!"  The dark forces roared in excitement as Maleficent waved her scepter and opened two portals, each showcasing the road to each kingdom. "Now march and make the darkness rise once again!"

Back at the battle going on at the entrance of the kingdom, which was now taking place on Main Street, Simba's forces where starting to fall down against the power of the dark army. "Don't give up! Fight! Fight!" The king of Pride Rock yelled as he was hit on his left leg with an arrow. "AH!" He roared in pain and fell to the ground. Another arrow hit him in between his arm. "Don't su...rren...der..." He said before completely passing out on the battleground.

The King of Noble Kingdom of the Pride Lands woke up a day or two later on the dungeons of the palace. Confused, stressed and worried, since he didn't know what had happened to his army, nor this and his kingdom. But he was sure of one thing, he had lost the battle and failed the failed to save the entire Realm from the Darkness that was rising once more. He sighed and closed his eyes again, passing out. Right outside his dungeon cell, his uncle, the Mad Prince Scar, Master of Darkness, watched him with joy. At last, he had defeated Simba and the Pride Lands will soon be his to rule.

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