chapter 2

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Today was the day of my doctors appointment. I get to find out the gender today and I couldn't be more excited, sadly Harry cant come to this appointment he has a meeting he has to go too.

"text me the gender ok babe" Harry stated while getting ready.

"I told you a million and one times I will as soon as I know!" I laughed putting on my nikes.

"ok I got to go we will meet for lunch later correct?" he asked coming towards me.

I nodded and he kissed my forehead and grabbed his keys and left. I grabbed my keys as well and headed to my car.


"Adalee" a older nurse called leading me to a room.

she took all my vitals and took some blood "Dr. Adams should be here in a minute" I nodded and she left.

my phone buzzed beside me and it was Harry.

Hey babe! are you at the appointment? xxH

Hey! yes I just got to the back ill let you know anything that happens xx

as soon as I put my phone down Dr. Adams walked in.

"hello Adalee how are you?" he shook my hand.

"hello im good how are you?"

"im good thank you. No harry today?"

"no he had a meeting."

"I see. so any changes in the pregnancy, weird cravings?" he sat down on his stool looking at his notes.

"nope all good just growing."

"are you wanting to know the gender yet?"

"yes please! im so anxious to know!" I squealed.

"very well, if youd pull your shirt up we shall begin" I pulled my shirt up and he put the blue gel on my stomach.

"cold" I shivered.

"sorry about that" he laughed.

he put the probe on my stomach and moved it around. "alright there is your baby healthy as ever" I smiled.

he clicked a button and the heartbeat was heard.

"alright you are having a.....girl! congratulations!" I squealed happy that Harry and I will be having a daughter.

"thank you! oh my gosh" I stared at the screen in awe.

"would you like a sonogram picture?" I nodded.

"alright let me print them and then you can go" he printed 2 and handed them to me i thanked him and headed to my car.

To Harry:

congrats we are having a daughter!

From Harry:

yes! Darcy awaits! lunch at Panera in 20?

To harry:


i was walking out to my car when i felt someone come up behind me and put a cloth over my mouth. i was freaking out trying to scream but they were just muffles. after squirming in the persons arms for a couple seconds i was soon fading into a black dreamless sleep.


Harrys pov

i was sitting in Panera bread waiting for Adalee. i was so excited to be having a girl ive always wanted a daughter that i can call my little princess and name her Darcy.

i looked at my watch its been over 30 minutes when we were suppose to meet, Adalee is never late....EVER.

my phone buzzed and i answered it without even looking at the caller ID thinking it was Adalee.

"Hello?" i asked.

"Harry, mate its Liam"

"yeah whats up?"

"have you heard from Adalee?"

"no actually we were suppose to meet at Panera 30 minutes ago but she never showed." i answered confused to why he is asking me the where abouts of my girl.

"i think her dad got her as she was leaving the doctors office"

"why would you think that" i was getting real nervous cause if he has her they could be half way to China by now...WITH MY BABY GIRL!

"i got a call from an unknown number and they said they have something they want, i heard whimpers in the background and then i heard a girl scream Harry then the line went dead."

"oh my God. Meet at my place in 20 im going to get them back" i hung up and ran out the door to my car.


Adalees POV

i woke up sitting in a chair with my arms and legs tied. What the hell? i looked around and noticed i was in a room that looked like a normal bedroom. there was a window with a yellow curtain, a dresser, a bathroom, a bed, all of it.

a guy around 30 walked in smiling. "good morning Miss adalee"

"how do you know my name? why am i here? HARRY!" i yelled at the man.

"he wont save you. im not going to hurt you just calm down." he walked up to me.

"yeah right!" i started squirming as this man came near me and tried to put his hand on my belly.

"don't touch her Kyle" a voice i knew all to well said behind this Kyle character.

"dad what the hell let me go!" i yelled.

"sweetheart shh its okay" he came and wiped my tears away.

"no its not why am i here tied to a chair"

"you and the baby were going to be apart of my life even if it meant taking you. i love you Adalee you are still my daughter."

i stared at him. "what is the gender of my grandchild?"

"a girl" i whispered. "when can i go home?" i asked shakily.

"never, i told you, you and my granddaughter will stay with me i will take care of yall everyday. i want to be apart of you guys life so i intend to be apart of it."

"youre sick! let me go" i yelled.

"shhhhh ill untie you but you have to stay in here" he told me untying me. "don't think about escaping you are in the middle of no where and everything is locked."

"what about the baby? the appointments?" i asked crying.

"i have a doctor who will come check on you and the baby every month don't worry i have it all planned out. i will bring you dinner when its ready. I love you" he stood at the door waiting for my reply.

"get out you sad excuse for a father" i yelled. He sighed and shut the door locking it behind him.

i fell to my knees and cried.

i have to get out of here. Harry will find me. HARRY he is probably worried sick i have to call him. MY PHONE!

"pick up pick up" i kept saying.

"Adalee where are you?! are you okay?" he asked worry filling his voice.

"im fine. Harry my dad took me we are in a house in the middle of nowhere please hurry!"

"i will ba-" he couldn't finish his sentence before the phone was ripped out of my hands by my angry father.

"what part of YOU WILL NOT LEAVE DONT YOU UNDERSTAND" he yelled.

"im not staying here with you!"

"oh yes you will!" he broke my phone and stormed out but not before locking the freaking door.

oh harry please come find me. i silently prayed.


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