Chapter 10

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Adalee's pov

we have been driving for a little over an hour and Darcy was getting restless. i Just hope Harry can find us, where ever we are going.

"excuse me you piece of shit can you tell me where we are going! I have my daughter with me and if you hurt her or me i swear to you Harry will kill you!" tears threatning to spill.

"SHUT UP! you dont call the shots around here, I DO!" he screamed scaring Darc.

"great, look what you did you are scaring her" i tried to calm her down bouncing her on my lap.

"well then shut her up" he glanced through the rearview mirror.

We drove for a few more minutes, hours is what it felt like until we stopped finally. We pulled up to this abandonded looking house. It had shattered windows and it just looked dirty all around. Stan got out and moved around to my door yanking it open.

"Get out!" i grabbed the diaper bag and Stan grabbed my arm rather roughly. i yanked my arm out of his grip and cradled Darc. We walked inside

"take her to another room now!" Stan yelled as one of his 'henchmen" i think named Adam, He was rather large with big biceps and a 5 o' clock shadow, took me upstairs down a hallway into a room that was rather disgusting. There was a single matress laying on the ground and a window that was bolted shut.

"dont even try to get out the window because there is no way its sealed. Look im sorry this is happening to you and your daughter" He whispered.

"no you dont or you would help me get out of here. I dont want anything happening to my daughter, shes my everything." tears slipping down my cheeks.

"i know im sorry" and with that he shut the door with a locking noise to follow. i hugged Darcy closer to my chest and whispered im sorry over and over again.

"Harry where are you? please save us!" i cried looking up.


"we have to find her! THAT IS MY WIFE AND BABY!" i yelled. The guys and i were talking to the cops.

"okay sir please calm down we will find them, just start from the beginning"

"okay i told Adalee that i was going out to the studio with the guys and she was giving darcy a bath. When i came back i went upstairs and she and my daughter werent there!" i raised my voice at the officer.

"we will find them i promise you" an officer told me patting my shoulder than walking away.

"we have to find them" i cried to no one inpreticular.

"we know Haz, we'll help you find them. dont worry" Liam assured me hugging me.


There was a knock on the door, adam and stan walk in.

"how you holding up sweet thing" adam smirks walking in the room.

"you kidnapped me and my child, how the hell do you think im doing!" i come back sharply.

"easy!" he scoldes. "check yourself sweetie, i will gladly put you in your place. Now get some sleep we have a big day coming in the next two days" he turns around and heads out the door with adam behind him.

"mommy" Darcy whispers waking up.

"yes baby" i look down at her.

"where daddy" she sniffles.

"soon baby daddy will be her soon to get us and take us home" i kiss her forehead trying to wrap a blanket tightly around her to keep her warm.

Its getting colder out and there is no heat in this place.

i keep repeating in my head that Harry will find us, he will find us and we will be taken home and stan will go to jail far away from us.

"mommy call daddy?" she asks.

"i would baby but i dont haeve my ph-" my eyes widen. i pat my jacket pockets no luck, i grab darc's baby bag and look in the pockets for that piece of technology that i have never cared so much for until now.


i dial that so familiar number brining it up to my ear waiting to hear that voice ive been longing to hear. the ringing stops and i wait for his raspy voice.

"adalee?! is that you!" there is so much pain in his voice.

"Harry oh god yes yes its me" i cry

"where are you baby?!" he rushes out.

"i dont know some abandonded building Harry please its cold and i-im scared"

"i know im going to-" his voice leaves all of sudden i rip the phone away from ear and its dead.

"no no no god no!" i scream as tears rush from my eyes like a waterfall.


"hello? hello? Adalee are you there!" i grip the phone bringing it away from my ear.

"her phone died...HER BLOODY PHONE DIED! of all the times in the world for it to die it chose now!"

"can you still track her phone even if its dead" Niall asks.

my eyes widen "i dont know but im going to try anything! Niall thank you!" i click on the app hoping this works.


im so sorry its so short i will write longer next time i promise!

tell me how you liked it vote, comment please tell me what you think or ideas id love to hear them!


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