chapter 5

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"wow she is so tiny" Liam said looking over the small infant, for the 5th time since yesterday.

"how much does she weigh? she doesn't even look as big as my hand." Zayn asked still shocked how small she is.

"2 pounds 5 ounces" I responded.

"oh my gosh that's small." Harry gasped.

"it is but she will get better" I smiled.

"what are these holes for?" Louis asked poking the hole.

"so you can put your hand in to touch her"

"oh okay" he nodded opening the hole about to put his hand in before I stopped him.

"WAIT!" I yelled/whispered.

"what" all the boys looked at me confused.

"put hand sanitizer on I don't want my baby getting your germs" they looked at me like I was dumb but did it any ways before touching the delicate baby.


Adalee and I were sitting on her bed just cuddling and talking about life when a nurse came in.

"hello I come bringing good news and bad news"

"good news first" adalee squealed in anticipation.

" Your daughter Darcy has been doing so good so she can come and stay in your room with you, but before we let her go home she has to gain at least 3 pounds." we nodded in understandment.

"when can she come in here?" I asked excited.

"I will go get her right now" she exited the door. Not even ten minutes later she came back but oushing a little bed type thing holding our little Darcy.

"here you go" she handed her to Adalee for the first time.

"hi baby" she said as Darcy let out a little wail.

"oh well I think she is hungry would you like to feed her?" Adalee nodded excitedly.

"bottle or would you like to try breastfeeding?"

"um, breastfeeding" she answered.

"alright dad if you'd take baby while I help mom" she handed me a crying baby. She helped Adalee unbutton her gown and pull it down to where half of it exposed her left breast. The nurse then took Darcy from me and put her in Adalee's arms her face right in front of adalee's breast.

"alright guide her to where it is and she should latch on" Adalee gasped as Darcy's crys stopped and were replaced by little sucking noises signaling she latched on.

"it feels weird" Adalee said

"it will get better, now ring me if you need anything ill leave yall alone" she left the room and we were left to the soft noises of Darcy eating.

I looked down smiling at my beautiful baby girl who was still very small.

"eat up baby girl, you have to grow so we can take you home" I told her touching her soft little head with barley any hair. We sat there watching he eat when we saw bluish green eyes look up to us.

"oh my god Harry she opened her eyes!" Adalee squealed!

She ate for a few more minutes before her eyes started to close showing she fell asleep.

"hey babe will you burp her while I get situated?" I nodded getting the rag and taking Darcy on my shoulder burping her. I was honestly so scared to burp her I didn't want to hurt her.

"Harry babe you can pat a little harder you aren't going to break her" Adalee told me situating her gown. As she was doing that the boys barged in carrying balloons and teddy bears.

"hey guys!" Louis yelled.

"shhh" I told them burping her.

"oh my gosh no more tubes and wires!" Niall clapped jumping over to me.

"yeah before we take her home she has to gain at least 3 pounds." I told them.


"how are you feeling babe?" Harry asked me.

"better" I said eating the rest of my toast. It has been 3 days since I had Darcy and since then we both have gotten stronger. I got my strength back still have to be careful, im still a little sore but im better. Darcy has been staying in my room ever since. She has been growing so the nurse should be here in a few to tell us if we can take her home yet.

"hey babe im going to call the guys and tell them to bring up the bag of clothes for you and darc and her carrier ill be right back" I nodded and he left to go call the boys.

he came back a few minutes later with a big grin.

"why are you grinning like that?" I asked scared.

"because I saw the nurse in the hallway and she said she got our discharge papers for Darcy and you. YOU GUYS ARE COMING HOME!" he yelled.

"thank god, are the boys coming?" I asked happy.

"yeah Niall is the other boys have something to do." he answered.

harry was hiding something but I just let it go.


we got Darcy all buckled up in the car Adalee hoping in beside her while I drove and Niall drove behind us. I couldn't wait to show Adalee the surprise. I bought a house for us it is perfect it over looks the city on a hill. It is secluded with gates so no fans or paparazzi. (PICTURE ON THE SIDE) I couldn't wait to show her we talked about looking for houses when Darcy got a bit older so we can start out family together. I even let the boys help decorate the nursery (PIC ON THE SIDE) Adalee will for sure love it.

"Harry where are we going?" she asked as we were almost there.

"youll see it is a surprise babe" I winked from the mirror, she just rolled her eyes smiling.

we pulled up and she gasped. I got out and opened the door for her.

"welcome home baby hope you like it" I smiled. she stood outside the car door shocked.

"oh my gosh you didn't" she gasped her hand over her mouth crying.

"I did you said you wanted to but I found this and bought it so you didn't have to worry" she hugged me crying.

"thank you so much it is beautiful!"

"you haven't seen anything yet" I smirked. " niall grab Darcy and bring her to you know where" he nodded and went to get darcy while I showed Adalee the house.


I showed her the whole house and saved the best for last.

"there is one last room okay so the boys and I have been working on this for awhile I hope you like it." I said opening the door she instantly looked around and cried. All the boys were in there and yelled "SURPRISE WELCOME HOME!"

"oh my goodness thank you so much guys" she hugged them all and me last kissing my cheek.

"darc look at your room" she took the baby out of Nialls arms and showed her around the room.

I watched in amazement I want to spend the rest of my life with this girl and daughter.


to see the house click on the external link! sorry for the issues,

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