chapter 3

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It has been 4 months. 4 months since I got taken away from Harry. surprisingly I have gotten a tad closer to my dad, though I will probably never forgive him for he has done. For the past four months I have faked liked him so I could get more 'privileges' as he calls it. I mean who wants to stay in a room by yourself not me, I just hope Harry can find me even though its been 4 months. I miss him so much, ive cried myself to sleep almost every night.


nonstop...I have been looking for Adalee. I have tracked her phone since that night she called me. I miss her so much and that scum bag wont know what hit him. We've been with Adalees mom everyday trying to find out where her lowlife of a dad hangs out. No doubt in my mind we are going to get him and send his ass to jail.

We have it narrowed down and tonight im getting my baby back and sending his ass to the slammer.

Im coming Ads!


"the doctors coming today around noon" My father sat beside me on the couch.

"okay" I responded putting my hand on my stomach.

"how are you doing? how many months are you again?"

"im fine, and 8" I answered in monotone not caring anymore I just want to go home.

knock knock

my dad got up and went to answer the door.

"who is it?" he called out.

"Dr. Daniels" a voice on the other side answered.

he opened the door and locked it behind the doctor. they shook hands "right this way"

he lead the guy over to me on the couch.

"Hello Adalee, how are you doing?"


"any cravings or any changes you've noticed?"

"some, and not really just swollen feet and kicking" it was true my baby girl kicked for the first time without harry here to feel it. It made me so upset knowing Harry wasn't here for the past 2 months.

"alright well ill start and take your vitals alright" I nodded and he did his thing, my father keeping a close eye on him as usual.

"alright lay down and lift up your shirt" I did as he said and put a pillow under my head.

he started feeling around my stomach figuring out the babys position.

"alright the babys head is down here where it should be which is good" he poked at my lower abdomen. "alright you ready to hear the heartbeat and see your baby?" I nodded smiling.

I looked at the tiny screen to my left as he moved the probe around.

"there's your baby girl" he pointed.

"she has gotten so big" I smiled.

"indeed" he pushed a button and the heartbeat was heard.

"wow" my father said. "my granddaughter."

I couldn't help but smile at this. As much as I hated my father I did want him to see his granddaughter but I still did not trust him at all.

"well you are getting closer to your due date, are you excited to finally meet your baby girl" I nodded.


The doctor left awhile ago and it was 8:30 and I was sitting on my bed looking at baby magazines.

My Love (sequel to My Stalkers)Where stories live. Discover now