Chapter Two

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     "So, Zane. Where's your shelter set up?" Travis asked.
     They had been talking with each other for a while. The snow outside was only getting faster, and it was beginning to form a sheet of white across the ground. The good thing was, Zane decided earlier, that the cold made the walkers slow down. The bad thing was that it didn't help that much, because no one wanted to be out in the snow.
     "I don't have a shelter." Zane rubbed his eyes. "I travel."
     "That can be smart.... But..." Travis's eyes hardened. "So many things can go wrong.."
     Zane nodded. "I know, I know.. I think I should set up a fortified camp somewhere.."
     "Well, you could stay here." Travis offered with a half-smile.
     Zane was surprised. He hadn't expected Travis to offer him a shelter, especially this one. "I- Wha- Really?" Zane stammered.
     "Of course! I haven't had a group since the day after this mess started."
     "You had a group?"
"Yep! It was just a little group, though. We all split up the day after we got the news broadcast. We just couldn't get along." Zane heard a touch of sadness in Travis's voice.
"Oh.." Zane said quietly.
Travis cleared his throat. "So.. what do you say? I know we just met, but I think we'd be a good group."
Zane paused. Although he didn't know Travis too well, he knew that they'd work well as a group. Zane nodded. "Yes. I'll join the group."
"Great!!" Travis grinned. "Also, i'm sorry for kind of ignoring you when we first met. I was nervous."
"Why were you nervous?"
"Because I wasn't sure what kind of person you were."
Zane gave him a confused look.
"Oh, let me rephrase. I wasn't sure if you'd be the kind to shoot around randomly, or if you'd stay calm." Travis, finishing the food bar, stood up and walked over to an old trash can in the corner and dropped the wrapper inside.
The sun outside was beginning to set, but the clouds still remained. Snow kept coming down, and from the looks of it, it wasn't stopping any time soon. Zane became aware of how cold and tired he was.
As if reading his mind, Travis frowned. "You need a place to sleep.. Good thing I have plenty of blankets!"
Zane followed him curiously as he ran back into the little break room and took out a few large blankets. Zane also saw a pillow, and he thought he saw more in the room.
     "Why do you have so much stuff?" Zane asked, still following him around.
      "I keep different things in case people need them. I even have some
medicine, but I never tell anyone. I'm afraid they'll take it."
"I see.." Travis walked into a different room, but this room was much bigger. It seemed like a sort of small warehouse. Zane didn't know what the room was for, but he didn't ask any questions. In the corner, he saw a blankets and a pillow arranged into a comfortable-looking bed. He watched as Travis began to make a similar one next to it.
"So.." Zane said, trying to break the awkward silence. "How'd you decide on this place instead of like a hotel or something big?"
"Well.." Travis, finishing the bed, turned to him. "This place was small, and it had plenty of supplies left over. I can protect it easily, and the windows were boarded when I got here. Of course, I had to make some adjustments."
Zane nodded and looked around. He thought about how close their beds were, and what would happen if Travis really wasn't a good person and he was just trying to lure Zane into a trap to steal his gun. With the small distance between their beds, Travis could attack him at any time, or shoot him in his sleep. Zane shivered and pushed the thought out of his mind. He hardly knew him, but he trusted Travis.

As it became dark outside, Zane stood next to the window and watched the snow falling outside. In the distance, he thought he saw one or two walkers ambling along, but he wasn't sure. He knew it wasn't anything to worry about, anyway.
He heard Travis walking around, tidying up around the store and putting stuff away. He locked the door to the supply room and walked over to the window. He looked through the gap in the wood that Zane was looking through and sighed quietly.
"If this snow keeps up, we won't be able to leave this place any time soon." He said unhappily.
"That's okay." Zane looked at him. "We have all we need for a while in here."
"Yeah, but I don't like staying in here too long. It's easy to be cornered in here."
Zane nodded in understanding, but he didn't look back at the window, instead, his eyes seemed fixed on Travis's face. He felt his heart speeding up again. Travis caught his eye and frowned. "Are you okay? You look kind of worried. Your face is a little red, on your cheeks."
Travis touched Zane's face around his cheeks and forehead, and Zane felt his face grow hot. Travis's eyes widened. "Do you feel sick? Like a fever?"
Zane shook his head. "I feel weird, but not sick."
"What do you feel like?"
"Weirdly nervous. And my face feels kind of hot."
Travis's eyes sparked, but he said nothing. Zane looked back out the window, but it was getting too dark to see anything anymore. He felt Travis rest his hand on his shoulder.
"We should get some sleep. Hopefully the snow melts by morning." Travis walked away, leaving Zane to stare out into the snow.

In the morning, Zane felt more awake than he had been since before the apocalypse. He guessed it was because now he didn't have to worry about a walker finding your hiding place. He looked at Travis's bed, immediately growing worried when he saw he wasn't there. Zane stood up and stretched his arms above his head.
     When he walked out of the side room, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Travis at the window.
     "Good morning." Zane yawned. Travis jumped and spun around. "G'morning!" He said quickly, hiding his embarrassment of being scared so easily.
     Zane walked to the window and looked outside, sighing at the rising sheet of snow.
     "We won't be able to go outside for a while, huh?" He asked, looking back at Travis. Travis nodded. Zane noticed he looked tired. "Didn't sleep good?"
     "Not really..."
     "Why not?"
     "Just.. worried. About the snow and our supplies."
     Our supplies. Zane's mind echoed, feeling unusually happy at the use of the word 'our.'
     "Don't worry. We'll be fine." Zane reassured him. Travis smiled a bit and started pacing.
     Zane watched out the window for a long while, until he saw something strange. He saw a person running down the street.
     "Travis! Travis, there's someone outside!" He watched the person run back and forth, and Zane could tell she was tired but panicked at the same time, as if she'd been chased for a while.
     Without much hesitation, Travis grabbed his gun from by the door and his gas mask off the table and opened the door slowly. He watched the girl run back and forth one more time, then ran out. Zane was worried that it was a trap, but he didn't want to leave Travis to deal with it himself. He grabbed his pistol and raced out after Travis.

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