Chapter Four

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     A few uneventful days after the walker horde killed the girl, Travis and Zane were sleeping in their beds in the small store. In those three days, they had tore off all of the boards from the windows and replaced them with newer, stronger ones. They also organized all of their supplies and did a quick sweep of the town. The walkers seemed to have passed through, but they didn't want to take any chances.
     Zane woke up and sat up slowly. For some reason, he felt that something was wrong. Something bad. He stood up as slow as he could so he didn't wake Travis and walked across the room. He pushed open the door carefully and stepped into the main area of the store, then crept over to the window. When he peered through the gap they made in the wood, he gasped.
     The snow had piled up to halfway up the window, and there was no way they could get out of the store to search for more supplies.
     "Oh, no.." He whispered to himself. "This... this isn't good..."
     Zane tiptoed back into the 'bedroom' and jumped when he noticed Travis sitting up. "O-oh! Hey Tr-Travis!" He stuttered.
     "What's wrong?" Travis asked, standing up and walking over. He stretched, winced, and looked at Zane.
     Zane sighed. "Look outside.."
    Horror flickered across Travis's face. He ran to the door and shoved it, stumbling through. Zane followed more slowly as he ran over to the window. "Oh my Irene!" Travis stared out at the snow.
     "Yeah.." Zane sighed.
Now we're trapped and the only way out is through snow, which I don't think we could handle right now.
     Travis must have heard the defeat in his voice because he turned around sharply to face Zane. "What's wrong?"
     "We can't get more supplies.." Zane mumbled quietly, half to himself.
     "Don't worry about that." Travis walked forward, forcing Zane into a hug. Zane stiffened up. "We have enough food and supplies to last us through the rest of the winter."
     "We will be fine, Zane." Travis's tone told Zane that arguing wouldn't get him anywhere. "Now.." He said slowly. "Let's go clear out a small area in front of the door."
     "For what?" Zane wrinkled his nose, but the mask hid it.
     "Just in case we need to get outside for some reason." Travis released Zane and walked over to the door, carefully opening it. Snow spilled onto the floor. Travis grinned at Zane over his shoulder and charged into the snow, kicking it around and making a small opening around the door. Zane watched in amusement, laughing when Travis fell back into a large snowdrift. He flailed around for a moment, then jumped to his feet and scrambled back inside. Zane shut the door behind him.
     "Did you have fun?" Zane chuckled.
     "Y-ye-yes, I-I d-di-did!" Travis said, his teeth chattering as he shivered. Zane looked at him, and then grabbed his arm, pulling him back to the room. He grabbed a blanket off of Travis's bed and returned to him. He then wrapped the blanket around Travis's arms and shoulders. Travis stopped shivering, but still looked pale.
     "I think you need some time to warm up. I'll get food. Where are the keys?"
     "B-by the d-door." Travis sunk down onto his bed and wrapped more blankets around himself.
     Zane nodded and walked out, scanning around the door for the keys. When he found them, he ran over and picked them up. He glanced out the window, frowned at the snow, then walked to the small break room and unlocked the door. He pulled it open and looked around.
     Zane selected two cans of canned fruit off of one of the shelves, as well as two plastic spoons, then backed out of the room and locked the door. He put the key back where it was, then returned to the bedroom.
     Travis was still wrapped up in his blankets, but he seemed to be falling asleep.
"Travis." He called softly. Travis's eyes snapped open.
"Oh! Hi." Travis yawned.
Zane walked over and sat beside him, handing him the fruit and a spoon. He took the other for himself and started eating it after he pulled down his mask.
Travis began eating as well, but he kept glancing at Zane.
"What's up?" Zane asked, tilting his head.
"Nothing... Your eyes just look pretty."
Zane's cheeks heated up a little, but he did his best to ignore the comment. He fixed his bangs and realized that both of his eyes were visible when Travis complimented him. Then, he watched as Travis winced while lifting the spoon to his mouth.
"Shoulder bothering you?" Zane asked.
"Uh.. yeah.." Travis said reluctantly.
"Should we give you some painkillers?"
"That'll just waste them. We should save of them for when something bad happens."
"Something bad? Like what?" Zane asked, leaving half of the fruit in the can and putting it down.
"Well.." Travis put down his own can. "A cut, a gunshot.... a bite." He listed.
"....Oh." Zane said, not knowing what else to say.
Travis nodded. "So... what are we going to do in here while we wait for the snow to melt?"
"I don't know.. There's not much to do in here, is there?"
"No, not really."
Zane stood up, and Travis did the same. He grabbed both of the cans and walked out of the room. Zane followed him.
"We can finish these later." Travis put both cans on the table. Zane nodded.
Then, Travis walked over to the window and leaned on the edge of it, peering through the wooden boards. Zane walked up beside him and did the same.
"Y'know... I really miss being able to go outside without a gun or the threat of undead humans harassing you from between buildings." Travis chuckled sadly.
"Yeah. Those were the days." He laughed a little.
There was a long moment of silence. Zane noticed with some happiness that the snow was beginning to melt, but he wasn't sure Travis felt the same. He didn't even know if Travis noticed.
Travis's comment about going outside made Zane remember the days before the apocalypse. Everything was peaceful. He remembered visiting his mother with his two brothers. He remembered sitting at the table, glaring at his siblings as one of them teased him and the other one laughed. He remembered his mother laughing and telling them to settle down and leave him alone. Then... he remembered a few days later all of the frantic phone calls he received from his family, telling him about the news broadcast.
Zane shook his head and cleared the sad thoughts, and he noticed for the first time that his hands were balled into fists. Travis put his own hand over Zane's. Zane relaxed as he looked up at Travis, who was watching him with a concerned expression. Travis's eyes softened as Zane watched him, and he looked down to see Travis gently taking Zane's hand in his own, lacing their fingers together. Zane smiled, although it was hidden by the mask. He looked back out the window.
     Maybe being stuck in here isn't that bad.

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