Chapter 4

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Tempest and Red X teleported into the Titan's living room, Cyborg and Beast Boy looked up from their video game in surprise.

"Now they're attacking the Tower!" Cyborg shouted in shock.

"That's just not right!" Beast Boy added.

"We're criminals, we don't play fair." Tempest sneered as she took out her X blades.

The other Titans ran from their rooms to confront this new threat and Robin skidded to a halt before Red X could impale him with a knife.

"Play time's over Little Birdy." X threatened while blocking a star bolt.

Tempest heard Cyborg shout for backup and dodged as Raven made a lamp fly past her head; it crashed into the wall behind her making glass shatter onto the floor. Beast Boy turned into a goat and ran at her, Tempest jumped over him and kicked his side so he stumbled away. Cyborg aimed his sonic cannon at her but she used her chakram to cut it off; before he could get away she held her blades to his throat and made a cutting motion. His body slumped to the ground followed by his head a few seconds later, the fighting stopped and they all watched as blood dripped onto the floor and wires causing them to spark.

"Cyborg!" Beast Boy shouted breaking the silence that had fallen.

Robin looked up from the body of their dead friend and comrade to glare at Tempest in pure hatred. He spun his Bo staff in his hand and ran at her. The fighting started again, the Titans ready to avenge Cyborg's death. Starfire and Raven started fighting X while Robin and Beast Boy went after Tempest.

Beast Boy changed into a lion and roared as he dodged one of her blades, and she was forced to backpedal to evade Robin's attempts to hit her with his Bo staff. She continued to fight defensively until she reached the window, as Robin went to kick her she grabbed his ankle and twisted it so he ran into Beast Boy. They crashed into each other and Tempest grabbed Robin by the collar of his suit and threw him out the window.

Starfire stopped throwing star bolts as she heard a window shatter and watched as Robin fell towards the ground below. She abandoned Raven to fight by herself and flew after Robin to save him. Once Starfire abandoned her, Red X slammed Raven into the wall, she got up and made the couch fly at him but he dodged and it broke a larger hole in the window. He laughed at her and used one of his throwing stars on her, it caught her in the shoulder of her cloak and pinned her to the wall. She struggled to get free but he slammed her head into the wall again, this time she fell unconscious.

"Come on let's go tell Slade about the Titan's defeat." Red X said turning to face Tempest.

"You failed X." Robin said pulling out another shard of glass; Tempest was at his feet with blood covering her side.

"I didn't know you were a murderer." He tried to joke, a bit unnerved that Robin would do that considering Batman trained all his sidekicks killing was 'over the line'.

Starfire shot him in the back causing him to fall forward onto his face, X started to get up but Beast Boy grabbed him by the neck while in his gorilla form and held him over the window. Red X tried to struggle free but Beast Boy's grip was too tight, he kneed him in the jaw and felt the gorilla's grip on him loosen. He managed to hit the button on his utility belt and teleported.

Red X landed on the roof of Slade's hideout, he realized he couldn't go back there, not without Tempest and when they hadn't managed to kill all of the Titans. He would be killed in a painful way he was sure of it; instead he jumped to the ground and ran to find a different place to hide this out.


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