Chapter 7

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  That night Tempest's dreams were haunted by her father, he'd torture her until she couldn't scream anymore and no matter how many times she tried to wake up, Slade would always kill her. She would be surrounded by darkness for what seemed like eternity before the location would change and the dream would repeat itself no matter how much she fought or how fast she ran.

Red X heard a scream and woke up once again, he looked over to where Tempest was sleeping and sighed. With her nightmare he'd never get any rest, and when he did his dreams were plagued by what he guessed where similar to hers. The only difference was he was a light sleeper and woke up every time a car drove by or she shouted out in imaginary pain and fear.

"Hey wake up." X grumbled as he finally got up. "Its not real."

"I tried! Don't kill me!" Tempest begged before waking up and looking around.

"It was a dream, he's not here. Slade can't hurt you."

"My father has spies everywhere, I could bet my life he already knows we're here and is just lulling us into a false sense of security."

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Red X asked. "I would suggest getting the Titans to help but after what you did to two of them I don't think that's an option."

"Only you would work with villains and heroes."

Tempest stood up and paced around, she glanced at the shadows and watched them carefully like there were hiding a thousand enemies or the secret to staying alive. Once they heard someone walking by while laughing darkly but no one came inside or ambushed them from the darkness. Red X was getting really jumpy which wasn't like him but the strange shadows that passed by accompanied by the dark laugh and whispered threats made his nerves go on edge. Tempest was on her last nerve as well, flinching every time a car's headlights passed by, twice now she swore her father's silhouette was standing just outside but when her eyes adjusted to the darkness again it was gone.

When morning came both of them had finally fallen into dreamless sleeps and had unconsciously rolled over so they were huddled against each other. The dawn light woke them up and X flinched away when he realized how close they were, the movement caused Tempest to sit up and reach for her knife until she noticed there wasn't any danger. Red X looked outside for any sign of an ambush but didn't see anyone let alone a good place to hide behind, he sighed in relief before leading Tempest along the outskirts of the city.

"Where are we going?" She yawned.

"For help."

"You know someone who can help us!"

"Kind of... just don't be mad at me."

Tempest gave him a confused look until she saw where he was heading, he grabbed her wrist before she could run and started to drag her after him. Eventually he had to teleport and they landed onto the Titan's roof, they waited for someone to find them and Tempest glared at him while they waited but couldn't leave since she was wearing her casual clothes instead of her suit.

Beast Boy opened the door and stepped out onto the roof to play catch with Starfire but stopped in his track when he saw two of their enemies... looking at the clouds. He could tell Starfire was having the same thought he was, why are those two here and not attacking us!?

"Raven get up here!" Beast Boy shouted.

"What, I was watching Robin." She growled as she appeared in the doorway.

"Titans..." Red X drew their attention back. "We need your help."

"Help you! Why would we do that?" Raven spat.

"Slade sent us to kill you and we failed. Now he's going to kill us." Tempest explained but maintained her guarded expression.

"How do we know this isn't a trick?" Beast Boy questioned. "We might help you then wake up with you holding a knife over our hearts!"

"Come on you know I'm not the killing type." Red X purred.

"I meant your friend."

"My father will kill me in an instant! He knows we failed and is probably looking for us right now!" Tempest argued.

"You almost killed Robin!" Star yelled and made a star bolt appear in her hand.

"Stand down, they're telling the truth." Raven commanded.

"You read our minds? And we're the villains? At least we don't spy in people's heads!" Tempest glared at Raven but stayed where she was. They didn't need two enemies trying to hunt them down.

They gave X and Tempest distrustful looks but led them inside since their enemies were still outnumbered. Starfire left and went to keep an eye on Robin who still hadn't woken up while Raven showed them to the guest rooms. Beast Boy turned into a green German Shepard and lay down outside their doors after they went inside.

"You know if they attack I'll know right?" Raven raised her eyebrow as she started to leave. "But suit yourself, you'll get bored in less than ten minutes."

Beast Boy just growled softly and listened for any sign that they were going to be attacked, true to what Raven had said though he fell asleep from boredom three minutes later.


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