Chapter 6

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 Robin's communicator started beeping and the Titan's voices came over trying to see what was taking him so long to respond. From the interrogation room Tempest could hear the crime alarms going off and knew any second now they'd run in and find him, when they did they'd make it so she'd never escape. Right on cue Starfire laser eyed the door open and gasped when she saw Robin's limp form.

"Robin! How could you?" She shrieked, completely forgetting why she came in there for.

Tempest flipped over the blasts that were aimed at her and ran out the door, Starfire contacted the other two and told them what happened before picking up Robin carefully. He moaned but otherwise didn't respond as she carried him to the infirmary to help him. She took out the knife as gently as she could, his spine splintered and Robin screamed, he tried to struggle but Starfire held him down and hit a pressure point to knock him out. After bandaging his wound and checking the tower for any sign of Tempest, she used her communicator to ask the others about the battle.

"Where's Tempest now?" Raven questioned.

"I do not know. She took off, how is the fight with X?"

"He disappeared right when we had him cornered." Beast Boy replied. "We're almost back now."

When she heard the elevator open Starfire flew out and dragged both of them to where Robin was now resting. He had finally stopped bleeding but she wasn't sure how well he'd heal. Starfire wasn't knowledgeable of how to properly treat the wounds he'd received so she just did what she could, now Raven was probing his mind and checking the injured area on his spine to see if there was anything else they could do. Meanwhile Beast Boy was pacing around worried, they'd already lost Cyborg and now Robin might die.

"He'll live... although he won't be able to walk, unless I can find a way to fix the break like it never happened." Raven grimly explained a few minutes later.

"Please find a way!" Starfire begged.

"So... we don't have a leader anymore?" Beast Boy whimpered.

"Of course we do Robin's still alive... he just can't fight with us anymore." Raven comforted him.

Tempest listened to their conversation through the tiny microphone she'd planted on Robin's cape. She did feel a little guilty for what she'd done but it was insignificant compared to the fear she had of facing her father and getting killed. Tempest continued to pace back and forth in the abandoned boathouse as she waited for X to show up, she had been able to track him down and get him to meet her so they could plan their next move. There was a menacing chuckle from behind her and she whipped around to see Red X leaning against a wall.

"When did you get here?" Tempest yelped.

"Three seconds ago... I wondered how long you'd take to notice me but I got bored."

"The Titans no longer have their leader, he's been... put out of commission. But when he wakes up he can still make a plan for the remaining three to attack."

"What about Slade? Our deadline's up, and I overheard his plan."

"What plan? He doesn't have anyone else working for him." Tempest demanded.

"To kill us, he knew you were going to kill him and as soon as we defeat the Titans he's going to kill us."

Tempest stood there silently, she wasn't completely shocked to hear Slade was going to kill them but she was surprised he'd managed to figure out her plan. Now the lone thought running through her head was questioning her how she was going to escape her father with her life.


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