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My House

Whenever she comes over to my house, it's always a usual thing. This time its WAY different. After today, this visit could mean one of the people I mostly care about will be known as my girl. She's been with me through thick and thin, and everything in between. H-ll besides my mom, she's the only other female I trust. With me, that's a big statement.

"Darrell! Come to the kitchen!" called my mom.

"Comin'!" I yelled back before I put my pen (Well, Mariah's favorite one) in my notebook and set it to the side.

"Yes ma'am?" I asked not before I noticed all the envelopes and papers spread across the dining table.

"Don't worry about those honey," she tried covering them under the three place mats. Mom must've noticed I was staring at them. That's one of things I love most about her - she never wants me to worry about anything.

"Sorry," I gathered my thoughts. "You called me?"

"Were you doing anything?"

"Nothing. Just writing,"

"Just like your cousin," she smiled. "Is Mariah still coming over?"

"Yes ma'am. Actually she should be ri-"

*Knock Knock*

I went to the door and looked through the peephole to find her standing there. Actually, my heart jumped a little bit.

"Is that her?" she asked, walking behind me.

"Yes ma'am,"

"Aw! Look at my son and his first girlfriend!" she cheesed.

"Mooom," I groaned. "Stop, please,"

"Sorry. It's just that I always new one day you two would turn into a little couple,"

"Little couple?"

"Yeah. I mean the way how ya'll are so close and I know when you have your 'Man Time' you like to think about her,"

"Wait a minute mama, Man Time?" I asked.

"Yeah. Or if you don't prefer that, we can call it, 'Darrell's Happy Time' or 'Darrell's Special Alone Time' or-"

"Okay Mama!" I stopped her before she said anything else. "I get it. You like us together. Now would you mind leaving please?"

"Okay," she mouthed before she quickly gave me a kiss on the cheek and left to the kitchen. I shook my head and took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

"Hey you," I said, after opening the door.

"Hey, Darrell," I stepped out of the way to let her stroll inside. "So, where do you wanna talk?"

"My room is open,"

Before she could even turn around, Mom decides to come back into the living room. Great.

"Mariah!" she greeted with open arms.

"Mrs. Crawlings!" Mariah replied with an embrace. She's like a daughter to my mom so of course she's happy to see her. "Mrs. C, how you been?" she asked, after letting go.

"It's good. Just been awhile since I've seen you. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who has those same feelings,"

"Mom," I interrupted.

"He rarely talked these past few days. And whenever he would, it always involved you!"

"Okay were leaving!" I shouted as I pulled Mariah towards my room.

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