Chapter Four

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"Ms. James, have you settled in yet?" Mr. Rosado said from his mahogany desk after I walked into his office.

"Yes I have, thank you for asking Mr. Rosado." I said sitting down in the same chair from when I was here before.

"Alexander, I hate being called that." He said winking at me making me feel uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry Mr. Rosad- Alexander. So what did you need me to have." I asked smiling sweetly.

"Well first here's your uniform and some other paperwork and second I was wondering what time we should hook up." He said smirking like a idiot.

"Excuse me? I won't let you talk to me like that. Why would you even say that?" I asked shocked that he would ask that.

"Well you see, like I said yesterday I heard Brits were good in bed, I want to find out if it's true or not. And because your sexy, curvy, and your voice turns me on." He said in a duh tone of voice.

"I will not stay here and let you talk to me me like that! Good bye and have a good day Alexander." I said angry and frustrated stomping out of the door with the package he gave me. But right when I put my hand on the handle he grabbed my hand and tugged me toward him.

"Soon enough Danielle, I'll get what I want and you'll be the one coming to me." He said fanning his breath right over my ears.

"Um no thank you that will most definately not be happening. Like I said earlier goodbye." I said now exiting without any interruptions.

Now I think I know what Matt meant. Right now all I know is that I'm going back to my room having a nice relaxing shower, put on comfortable pajamas, watch a movie, eat popcorn, and text Monica and Eli.

Once I got back to my room I immediately stripped out of my clothes and got into the steaming shower.

But unfortunately it wasn't very relaxing. All I could think about was what Alexander said: Soon enough Danielle, I'll get what I want and you'll be the one coming to me.

I will most definately not want to have sex with him and I will most definately not be the one to be begging.

Heck, I've never even had sex!

I'm not going to be giving my virginity away to some man just wanting the pleasure. I want someone that loves me and that I love back. Someone that will never break my heart.

Once I got out I put on some cotton flannel pajamas, a tank top, and put my hair up into a sloppy bun.

I grabbed a popcorn bag, lasily threw it in the microwave, turned it on, and went to go find a movie.

I ended up picking Mean Girls. I mean, who doesn't love some of humour once in a while.

Luckily, once I put the movie in the mircowave went off. I put it in the bowl that was already ready and went back to start the movie.

Then my phone went off.

Monica- How was your somewhat first day?

Me- Horrible. My boss and everyone else's is a absolute arrogant, stuck-up player.

Monica- Oo, what happened?

Me- It's hard to explain, I'll tell you when we meet up. Anyways, I start tomorrow and hopefully it would be better.

Monica- So.. I heard a little birdy told me that you and Eli are dating;)

Me- Maybe..

Monica- Ha! It's about time he did it! He's been talking to me about asking you out for months!

Me- You. Knew. The. Whole. Time.

Monica- Yeah, I promised I wouldn't tell ;) anyways, call me tomorrow after work, I gtg. Goodnight

Me- Yeah, same. Goodnight.

2 more bags of popcorn and several laughs later the movie was over.

It was now 10 and I was exhausted.

I made my way to my freshly made bed and got into the cozy, fluffy, covers.

Right when I was dozing off there was a rapid knock on the door.

I groaned, ripped the covers off of my body, and stomped over to the door frustrated.

"I am trying to sleep what are you doing here at this time." I groaned once again to the person infront of me that I couldn't see.

"Oh wow, your voice is really turning me on right now." Said a cheeky familiar voice.

"Alexander, what in the world do you want at this bloody hour." I said putting my hand on my hip.

"Well, what I really want is you or I should say your body, but you dropped this charm bracelet thing when you left. So I thought that to be kind I'd give it back." He said being a smart ass.

"You.. You have it? Oh my god I didn't even notice! Give it now." I said strictly but my heart was pounding so hard that it felt like it would explode.

"I'll give it back if you give me a kiss."

"No, give it back, you have no clue how much it means to me." I said trying to grab it but he put it up high so I couldn't get it since im only 5'7 and he's at least 6'2.

"A kiss." He said once more.

This time I didn't hesitate. I took one step forward and place my lips onto his. It was barely a millisecond. It was like it was you touched a hot stove and you wanted to get away from it right away.

I grabbed it right after I did that and slammed the door shut.

If I lost this bracelet, god I would just die.

But what the hell did I just do?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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