Hey Mi Potatoes!
"He was my Prince Charming; I wasn't his Cinderella."
By @officalfuryevans
I read it. I love it.
A heartbreaking tell for Cinderelliot hoping his prince charming will find him. Written by a well know Potato in the Wattpad world, "Fury" . I must say, I love his work. Quick, with a nice rhyme to it, and it's short.
What's is all about?
Elliot Banks is in love with his very straight, homophobic best friend, Ronan Chase. As you continue to read, you see how Elliot has this hate for Ronan's girlfriend, Rania Walter; you can obviously tell he hates her, because he speaks of her as Medusa and Elliot must fight for his Prince Charming Ronan.
Who's pretty much oblivious, to everything around to him, especially to Elliot. Who possibly everyone can tell Elliot was head over heels for Ronan.
I don't not want to go in any further, because that means I'll spoil to book. I don't want to do that, 'cause that shit sucks.
Potato Nation: Why should I even read this book?
Me Potato Sister: I don't fucking know, man. You came to read a book review here, so here you go! Now back to the review.
I'm assuming it was getting well known, 'cause we see on the LGBT version point of view how sometimes when up happen to be gay, and you really like your very straight friend.
Which sucks, very much.
Not only we see that; We get to know what's it like to be hated on by the person you cherish the most. To a point people led to cutting, and self hating.
Remember this, there's going to be light at the end of the tunnel. To have this hope, it's going to be alright. It's not what we planned, but it's better then what we thought.
A specially to take out of this;
Our Lives Are Not A Fuckin Disney Tell.
Potato Nation: Potato Lozano!
Me Potato Sister: I'm sorry! But someone had to say it!
Not everyone is going to have that happy ending, so we need to cherish that moment as much as we can. 'Cause not everyone is going to be happy, we all have to move on.
It's the brutal truth, not everyone is going to have that happy Cinderella tale we all hoped for.
So that's a wrap of that.
Until Next Time.
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