A fresh start

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I wake up on the ground of my living room with a black eye and bruises every where.
I can have no more of this. I lost my family and now have an abusive relationship with my boyfriend. I have to pack and do what I have been planning for ages. I quietly go to my room and pack all my belongings as well as book a flight to Sydney. I hear movement from the upstairs living room; meaning that Josh is waking up and will want me to do all of his chores. I have to do it now. I book a Taxi and put my suitcase and bags down by the front door. I hear him coming down the steps. "Luna what are you doing?" I hear his sweet morning voice which I fell in love with 4 years ago. "Josh," I sigh, "I'm leaving, I can't deal with you. Weve been together for 4 years, 3 of which you were abusive and made me your slave," I start crying "I can't deal with this anymore. We are through, don't try to find me I'm going away far away!" I say wiping my tears. Suddenly I fill a stinging sensation on the side of my face. It was Josh. "See this is what I ment" I screamed and picked up my bags and suitcase and walked to the waiting taxi which I made to go to Adelaide airport.

-------------------------------------- I get off the plane to start my new life here. As I was walking I remembered that I have no where to go. I got my stuff and looked for a hotel by bondi beach as I am aiming to keep my job as a lifeguard but here in Sydney instead. As I was walking to a hotel I heard my name being called out by the one person I was forbidden to talk to even over the phone for 3 years "Deano?" I ask as I turn around after putting my bag down. I see him and we ran into each other's arms "Oh Dee I missed you so much" I cried whilst latching onto him "me too Lu me too" he said. At this point I saw that there where 4 other boys standing behind him. I pull away and look at his teary eyes and he looked at my bruses on my face. He slowly moved a hand to the still red mark on the side of my face and I saw his facial expressions become angry to worried. "He did this to you didn't he" he asked I just nodded and hugged him. I herd a cough from behind Dee and we looked to see the other 4 boys most looking at us confused all except one "Bruce" I yelled and ran into his open arms. Bruce or 'hoppo' as most call him was like an older brother to me same with Deano. "How are you moon" he asked me i just look at his and told him i would talk to him later. "Anyway these boys are Trent Maxwell or as we call him Maxi, Harrison and Ryan or Whippit" Hoppo said pointing to each person.

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