New life at bondi beach

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After I was introduced to the boys I went to deano's house with Hoppo. "So Lu what happened since we last talked?" Dee said with a look of worry as well as Bruce (Hoppo). I started crying and told them the whole story. "You can stay with me for as long as you need Lu" Dean (Deano) said. "And lifeguard try outs are on the weekend so you can still be a lifeguard" Hop said. You see my job back home was a lifeguard as well at the Adelaide coastline and that's how I met Bruce and Dean. "Thank you so much" I said crying and hugging them both. "I have to go back to the beach. Deno you can take the rest of the day off to get Luna settled in and then maybe bring her down to the beach, if you feel up to it" he said the last part looking towards me. "Thanks Hop I'll see you at work tomorrow" Dee said. I just smiled and hugged him.
------------------------------------After I had a shower and got settled Deano and I went shopping for makeup and more things I would need. I got a new phone and number so Josh couldn't find and get me. "There I think that is everything, you want to go meet some of the boys at the beach?" He asked me, "yeah I would love to" I agreed with him so we went back to the car and went down to Bondi. "Hey Boys" deno said as we walked into the lifeguard tower I herd a series of hey Deno or hey's. "Where have you been, Hop got me to come down as he gave you the rest of the day off?" I herd a voice ask "well reidy, I have someone moving in and then is going to be in the lifeguard trials" he told him and everyone else that was here. "I would like to meet this new person, are you the only person that knows who they are?" Another person asked. "Well Hoppo Knows her and Maxi, Harrison and Whippet had met her this morning" I herd a gasp and saw Maxi get up and go around the corner to where I was standing. He saw me and gave me a hug. "I just know we will be great friends" he told me as he hugged me. A saw Deano roll his eyes and introduce me. I walked around the corner and stood with Maxi on one side of me and Dee on the other with his hand on my shoulder. "This is Luna everyone and Lu this is Aaron Buchan, Andrew Reid, you know Trent Maxwell." Deano said pointing to each person. I just said hey and waved being the shy person I am "there is also Cory Oliver, Anthony Carroll, Anthony Glick, Ben Quigley and Greg bishop. They are on the beach" Maxi told me. I just nodded taking it all in. Most of the boys had gone back to watching the beach and water but told me and Deano that we should come back to the beach for after work drinks. We just nodded said see ya and went back home. "I'm going to get some rest, wake me up so I have some time to get for later" I told Deano who just nodded and went to the kitchen. It was only about 1 in the afternoon so I went to the room I was staying in to sleep as I was exhausted from the day.

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