Drinks with the boys in blue

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I wake up to see Deano looking at me. I get up and shower and cover most of the bruises on my face, arms and legs. I don't wear makeup very often, but I don't want people to look at my bruises and think Deano or someone hurt me. After I finish getting ready I meet Deano in the lounge room. "You ready Lu?. We don't have to go if you don't want to," he said looking towards me at the door. "Yeah I want to go. At least for a bit," I reply, walking towards him. He wraps me in a warm hug that I feel safe in.

As we go to the beach we see the boys packing up and telling swimmers to get back to the beach. As we arrive at the tower, Maxi comes running out and hugs me. "Hi Maxi," I laugh along with Deano and Hoppo who come up behind us.

*Time skip*

I wake up thinking that last night was a dream. But then I remember that all the boys except Deano and I got drunk so we had to take them home. I am glad that today none of the boys are working.
I get out of bed and decide that I'm going to to for a run on the beach. I sneek past Deno and down the stairs into the kitchen. I make myself a protein drinks to give me energy for my training exercises and sorft sand running. I put on my shoes and jog down to the beach which is only about a 5 minute drive. As I'm jogging I get some strange looks from other people doing their early morning runs but I think nothing of it. I make it down to the beach to see a few of the boys setting up for the day, I give them a bit of a wave but don't see who it is. "Luna!" I hear a voice yell. I turn around to see Maxi and Hop running down the beach towards me. I jog over to them looking fairly confused. "what's up guys?" I ask them as we come up to each other. "do you know that your bruses aren't covered?" Maxi says a bit out of breath from running and calling out my name. I look down to see my bruses and scars are still there. "crap" I mumble under my breath.....


Hey people. I'm sorry I have not updated in so long. I have been a bit busy and just haven't been in the right mindset to write anything. I know this chapter is short but when I get into a better mindset I will update more. So intill then I am going to put this story on hold once again.

Also if anyone would like to make a cover for this story they are welcome to and just privet message me with any questions. Or even just message me with any ideas on where to take this story.

Thank you for being so patient with me and I'll update soon I hope.  😋😋

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