We are different from all,😍
I don't know which relation they call.📲
The senior n junior buddy bond👫👬
Which happened without any command.🕺
It's not easy to say goodbye,🙌🙏
When u had made millions of efforts to say hi!!👋
U have been great support system👌
Being like a stem...
You have given us so much to remember💕
Being a good describer.....
The exam stress,😰
The notes mess,😵
The important question in excess,😧
Only u were there in our access.😛
In our mode of sadness,😖
When we were aimless.🤕
Nothing goes in our head,😒
Bcz of the exam stress.😔
The night become sleepless,🤑🤧
Ur guidance and assistance,😲
We forgot about distance.🏃
Senior n junior relations came in existence,🙇
Without any resistance.🗣️
There comes words of motivation n wisdom,🤦👲
Thereafter we experience freedom.👸🤴
Experienced lessons are taught,✌️🤞
In d dim light,👉
Forgive us for our flights,💪
Afterall it's junior's right.✌️
It's our responsibility,🤙🤘
Though I don't have d ability
Still a BIG THANK U👍
For ur all tym availability.....
PoetryThis all consist of poems tht will motivate o inspire you or make aware of the reality of life.... I think u might have experienced such feelings for sure in your life at some moment of time.... So please have a look n please do comment... It wil...