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Time is precious🕐
Helps you from being aimless!🎯
You said you was busy..👥
I heard your words📜
felt little dizzy😵
Reached in the state of tizzy...💫
It's good to be always occupied by something🔖
So easy were those words🎭
To switch from the problem💦
Which was yet to come
To put a pause, to be numb⚫
I'm also so dumb👶
To believe all that..
When deep down I knew,
You're trying to turn relation blue,☄️💙
And making my anger brew,🔥
Still I held hard to keep the peices to cue,〰️🏆
You acted as if it was just like a dew.💧
How many times you think sorry gonna work,🙏
Why you be such a lurk,🤦
And always shirk,🙇
It's hard when you act out just like jerk.🗿
I don't understand what you think of other person,🙎
How much they should hold on to the situations that are worsen.🎃
And what you have chosen ⁉️
To pretend further and be cold👔
You know I'm not that bold⚡
There is alot left between us untold🍃
Are you gonna unfold🐚
The mystery the quest🌊
And tell the truth being blunt❔
Now I leave everything
Upto you and what to absolve🎏
And let the world revolve.🌍

LIFE☺Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora