taehyung x reader

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"Y/N? Jagi-yaaahhhhhhhh! Are you ready yet? If you take any longer, we might miss our reservations," Taehyung yelled with a sweet tone.

You stumbled a bit off the bed, still trying to slip your heel on, as you rushed to get out of the room and down stairs. "I'm done, already, Tae. Just go to the car and I'll meet you there!" You yelled back, now halfway down.

As you took the last step down, you heard the front door close. By the time you got to the door, you heard the engine's roar and quickly got out, locking the door behind you. You ran as fast as you could in your heels to the passenger door and swiftly slipped in.

"You ready?" He looked at you lovingly, one hand on the wheel the other on you thigh, like always. You'd never admit it, but it always comforted you-his touch, it made you feel safe.

You clicked on the seatbelt then nodded over at him and the two of you were off.




"Taehyung-ah, this is really good wine!" You giggled, followed by a small hiccup. "Oops, excuse me," you covered your mouth in embarrassment.

Taehyung just stared at you adoringly, laughing his ass off. "Maybe you shouldn't drink anymore for tonight," he continued laughing, but you knew he was serious about what he was saying.

"Ah, okay. Its probably for the best anyways. Wouldn't want a hangover like last time," you both laughed, reminiscing when you had done some things for the first time while in a terribly drunken state and waking up the next day with a bitch of a headache.

"Anyways," you stopped laughing and stared into his eyes. "Thank you for this date, Taehyung."

He gave you his always amazing and beautiful boxy smile before replying. "Here's to two years, my princess." He gently gripped your hand that laid on the table. "I love you."

You smiled back at him widely, then leaned over the table a bit, sneaking a small peck on his lips before sitting back down. "I love you, too, Kim Taehyung!" You giggled loudly, then rushed from your seat and out the door.

"Yah, Y/n!" He called out for you, but to no avail. He quietly chuckled to himself and headed to the payments counter to, of course, pay for the meal.



You ran around the nearby park in a daze before finally tiring out and sobering up, resulting in you plopping onto the soft grass. "I never really had a chance to see the stars," you spoke quietly to yourself as you stared at the sky above you. Being in the crowded city, filled with all it's bright lights, you hardly ever saw stars in the sky, which saddened you. So you took the opportunity to just relish in it's natural beauty.

"Yah!" Taheyung yelled at you as he jogged over and plopped down next to you. "Next time," he took a breath. "At least wait for me."

You turned your head to him with furrowed eyebrows. "I did wait for you. Always will," you smiled at him and intertwined your fingers with his.

He chuckled at your cheesiness and stared up at the sky along with you.

After only 5 minutes of a calm and quiet state, Taehyung prompted himself onto his elbow and turned to you. "Hey, y/n?" He started.

"Hmm?" You turned to him and waited for him to continue. He nodded once he knew he had your full attention, before turning back to stare at the sky.

You thought he forgot what to say so you just went back to your previous position. But of course, he hadn't. "Have you ever tried to count all the stars?" He asked out of the blue. Once again, turning to look at you.

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