Ice Cream and Crazy Ex-Boyfriends

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As Marco raced down stairs, he suddenly stopped in his tracks as he took in the sight of Star. It wasn't that she was dressed differently than usual or that maybe she decided to wear makeup today, but something jumped out at him that he could not quite seem to put a finger on. He shrugged it off and proceeded to walk the rest of the way down the stairs.

"Did you let my Mom and Dad know where we are going?" He asks as he checks his pockets to make sure he had both his phone and his wallet inside.

Star smiled brightly at him and nodded her head. "Of course I did silly! Have you ever known me to forget to do the most easiest of things?" She asks with a nonchalant grin on her face.

He raised an eyebrow at her "Um yes, that's normally how we end up in crazy debacles in the first place." He replies, suddenly having the strong feeling to check to make sure she had actually told his parents where they were going. He walks into the kitchen to find his parents dancing around playfully and singing along loudly even though they clearly did not know the lyrics. "I just wanted to make sure Star let you know where we plan on going." He says loud enough for his parents to hear.

His dad smiles warmly at him. "We know already, Star already told us. Have fun you crazy kids." He says playfully before going back to dancing with his wife. They seemed to be doing the tango but he could never quite tell what they were doing.

As Marco walked back into the room, still semi shocked that Star actually managed to let his parents know, Star grinned widely at him. "Ha! I told you so!" She exclaims happily, sticking her tongue out at him.

He simply shrugged it off and open the door for her. Star raised an eyebrow at this act of chivalry but simply walked through the door. He chuckles and follows behind her as they head out to the Ice Cream shop that Star had suggested, unaware of the extra person who had decided to tag along....

  "What is Star doing with this dweeb?" Tom grumbled from behind the bush, watching the two of them walking together, occasionally making small about school. "And just look at his ugly, smug looking face. What does Star see in him? Is it his stupid hoodie?" He growls angrily, starting to feel himself light up with anger as suddenly he felt someone else join him in the bushes.

"Now Tom, you really have to calm down. Setting these bushes on fire would be against everything we have worked towards." Mr. Candle says calmly as he gently pats the pink haired demon. It seemed like this guy always seemed to be around....

"It's not fair! Why would she chose him over me? It must be that dumb hoodie! Why, I outta steal it from him!" He growls, starting to catch on fire. He suddenly realizes that he lost the two of them in the middle of his temper tantrum. "Oh great! I let them get away!" He grumbles and goes looking for them until he suddenly sees them in the window of an ice cream parlor.

As Marco eats his ice cream he suddenly finds himself realizing the pretty way that Star's eyes seemed to shine when she ate her ice cream and the way she would smile when she would eat the sweet substance. She suddenly looked at him, a slightly confused look forming on her cute face. "Are you okay Marco..? You've been acting really strange since we've left the house." She softly asks as she puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah... I'm fine just can't stop thinking about the break up." He lies, not wanting to tell her the truth about what was really going on in his head.

Star frowns at him "I know when you're lying now tell me wha-" her thoughts suddenly being cut off when her ex suddenly came storming into the parlor.

Tom goes storming up to Marco angrily " You! Give me that hoodie or else!" He growls, grabbing him by said hoodie and shaking him violently in the air as Star begins whacking him with her wand.

"Let go of him Tom, I don't want to have to hurt you." She screams at him angrily as she lifts her wand in a battle stance.

"Not until he gives me the hoodie or you tell me what makes you choose him over me!" He yells equally as loud.

"Fine! Take my hoodie, it's seriously not worth all of this trouble.." Marco says in a low voice as Tom lets him go suddenly, allowing him to remove the red hoodie.

Star grabs Marco's arm "Marco... that's your red hoodie, you don't have to do this. I can just fight him off, I can.."

Marco cuts her off "No Star, I have plenty of red hoodies at home, but I can only get one drama free day with the person I care about once every blood moon." He says, pulling out his wallet and giving the hoodie to Tom. "Take it..."

Tom's eyes widen as he took the hoodie in his hands, surprised that the brown haired human had not put up more of a fight. "Come on Star." Marco says as he took Star's hand and lead her out of the ice cream parlor, unaware of the fact that Star's ex was not the only ex in the parlor.....

As Tom watches the two of them walk away, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turns around to find a girl with soft, tan skin and platinum blonde hair with turquoise highlights. "Hey, at least he gave you his hoodie. He never went that far with me." She says softly as she also watched them walking away, a sad smile forming on her face.

"But I.." Tom started as Jackie gently put a finger to his mouth.

"Shhh.... It's okay demon dude, we both wanted Marco Diaz but it's evident who he wants." She says as she pats his back, leaving a confused Tom to just awkwardly stand there.

"I'm not gay though..." he says to make the moment even more awkward than it already was.
Author's note: Am I the only one who wants a relationship like Marco's parents?

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