Nachos and Rom-Coms

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  As soon as the two of them were far enough from the ice cream parlor, their pace began slowing down to a walk. They spent a few minutes just walking in silence until a familiar face appeared out of nowhere.

Jenna had been out causing trouble as usual, this time she decided to spray paint the side of a building with a mural of Pony Head. While on the run, she soon catches sight of her friends Star and Marco. She goes to wave until she notices the fact that the two of them are holding hands. She grins widely, going up to the two 'lovebirds' as she would likely call them at this moment and pats Star on the back. "Bout time you made a move Star!" She exclaims with a wide grin on her face as she gives her friend a thumbs up before running off.

Marco watches the blue hair girl run off with a confused expression, until he notices the fact that he was still holding Star's hand. A light blush coats his face as he let go of her hand. "Erm... Sorry about that." He mumbles awkwardly and keeps walking.

Star chuckles softly. "You didn't have to let go y'know. That was just Jenna being Jenna, there's no need for that to put a dent in our night out." She says with a grin on her face.

Marco looks at her and raises an eyebrow. "So.. Since the ice cream thing was ruined due to your crazy ex boyfriend, what's the plan?" He asks her with slight curiosity forming on his face.

"I'll get the Rom-Com, you prepare the nachos. We are going to have a movie night and nothing, not even Tom is going to stop us!" She exclaims determinedly with a wide smirk adorning her features.

"Deal!" Marco responds as the two of them rush home and split into separate directions, Marco running into the kitchen to prepare the nachos as Star runs to retrieve a Rom-Com to slip in the DVD player. Star then proceeds to grab a bunch of pillows and blankets to build a large pillow fort for the two of them to watch the movie inside of. As Marco walks in with the plate of nachos, he lets out a soft chuckle at his best friend's childish behavior but puts the nachos down and begins helping her out anyway. As soon as the fort was complete, he grabs the nachos and plops down next to her as she presses play.

As the movie starts, Star gently lays her head onto Marco's shoulder sleepily. Marco looks at her from the corner of his eye and smiles softly before wrapping an arm around her,the both of them munching on the nachos that Marco had prepared. Midway through the movie, Star's eyes began feeling heavy. She yawns gently,fighting to keep her eyes open until she finally falls asleep in Marco's arms. Marco soon notices this and pauses the movie before wrapping a blanket around the both of them.

"Goodnight star." He gently whispers into her ear before falling asleep next to her.

As Marco's parents arrived home from their mini date, they took quick notice of how silent everything was. Their first reaction was that maybe they had been kidnapped by monsters and quickly began panicking before hearing the soft snores coming from the living room. They softly tiptoe into the quiet room, only to find the two teenagers asleep in each other's arms as a blue screen shined through the room, illuminating the pillow fort the two of them had made together earlier.

"Awww, look at how cute the two of them look. I almost want to take a photo just so that I always have the memory..." the mother says with a smile, not realizing how creepy that may have sounded.

"I remember when we were the same way... We should probably let them be for now." The father says as he lays a hand on his wife's shoulder.

And in that quiet night, Marco found the most comfort he's felt in quite a while. Although he was still quite heart broken from Jackie leaving him, at least he knew that his best friend would always be there to comfort him.

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