The Year Of Elephants

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Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem

Abraha was a Christian ruler of Yemen. In the days of Haj he asked people why do they go for the Haj at Makkah. To perform the Haj at the Holy Ka'aba, was their reply. He asked about the things from which Ka'aba was made. They replied that it was made of bricks. He again asked about it's attire. They replied: "the striped cloth taken from our country." After listening to all this he replied:

"Oh Christian tribe! I will make a better house for you."

Therefore he made a house of red, yellow, white and black stones. He decorated it with silver and gold. Many doors were made for the entrance embedded with gold foil. He emplaced a big Ruby. Strong perfume was sprayed all over the place.

He then called his people:
"You don't have to go Ka'aba for Haj. I have made a Ka'aba for you here, so you must circumambulate this place."

For many years people of some tribes perform their Haj there. They used to perform all the obligations there.

An Arabic, Nafeel Hashmi couldn't tolerate this. He hated this fake Ka'aba. One day he decided to grimmed the place. Therefore one night he threw a lot of dirt there.

When Abraha came to know about the incident he got mad. He knew it would be an Arab behind this act. He promised to break every single piece of Ka'aba.

He wrote a letter to the Abyssinian king and told him about the incident. He asked him to send him his elephant. The elephant's name was Mehmood, he was very big. The biggest elephant till then. When Abraha got the elephant he prepared his army and then left for Makkah. When this army reached near Makkah, Abraha ordered his men to snatch the animals from people. They obeyed him and snatched all the animals. In those animals, Abd'Mutallib's, camels were also been snatched too.

Nafeel was present in Abraha's army. He was the friend of Abd'Mutallib. He met Abd'Mutallib and both talked about the stolen camels. Nafeel then talked to Abraha about him:
"The leader of Quraish Abd'Mutallib wants to meet you. He is the leader of Arab, he is pious and very praiseworthy among people. He give charity to the people and feed them."

Thus it was an introduction of Abd'Mutallib. Abraha allowed him to meet. When he came Abraha asked:
"Tell me what do you want?"

He replied: " I want you to give me back my camels."

Upon hearing this Abraha was shocked. He said: " I heard you are the leader of Arab. You are a pious man and people respect you. But I think I have heard wrong. I thought you would ask me not to destroy Ka'aba, which is your respect. But here you are requesting me to return your camel instead of that."

Abd'Mutallib replied: " you just return me my camels, and you can do whatever you want to do with Ka'aba. This house has a Lord. He will protect it himself. I don't have to worry about it."

Abraha returned him his camels. When Abd'Mutallib got his camels then he marked them for slaughtering and left them in Haram, so if anyone tried to snatch them again then the Lord of Haram will show his wrath upon them.

Then Abd'Mutallib climbed the mountain of Hira. And some other friends also joined him. They all requested Allah:

"O Allah! Man protects it's things, therefore you protect your thing too."

On the other side Abraha moved forward with his army. He himself was sitting on Mehmood and was in the center of the army. His elephant refused to move forward and stopped. The elephant pastoralists tried to make him move forward, but in vain. They beat him but he didn't move, goads were pricked but he didn't move. Thinking something, they change his direction towards Yemen so he started to move in the direction. When they move it towards Makkah he again stopped. They apply the same phenomena over and over and everytime he did the same. Seeing this weird act of elephant Abraha ordered his men to made the elephant drunk in this way he would have no control over his senses. They did so but still elephant didn't move.

They were still struggling to move the elephant when they saw an army of swallows rushing towards them. This army was sent by Allah to protect his Ka'aba.

On the other side Abd'Mutallib entered Makkah. He reached Haram and then make a prayer against Abraha and his army: "O Allah! This man is protecting his army and people, you protect your own Ka'aba. I wish today Abraha would be defeated, his power is nothing as compared to yours, today the cross cannot win." He used the word cross because Abraha was Christian and they carry a cross for their protection.

Then Abd'Mutallib, along with his companions again climbed the mountain of Hira because they knew they couldn't win against Abraha and his army.

Then Allah send herds and herds of birds. These birds were slightly larger than normal birds. Every bird has three stones in their beaks. They threw those stones on Abraha's army. As soon as the stone touched their bodies they become to rip apart, just like if the bomb had been dropped on them from the sky and it rips everything. Abraha's elephant was however safe from these stones. Other than that his whole army was destroyed. His army had 13 elephants and each of them turned into Hays. It is mentioned in Holy Quran in the Surah Fil (fil means elephant)

Abraha when saw this destruction rushed back with his some left companions. But birds didn't let them run. They threw stones on them. It is said that when Abraha was running, gradually his each body part was ripping. One by one until he died.

Abd'Mutallib was waiting for the army to attack but when the army didn't enter Makkah after a long time, he himself climbed down to see. When he reached outside the Makkah, his eyes widened in surprise when he saw the whole army was destroyed. They received a lot of booty that day. It contains a lot of gold silver etc.

Thus in this way Allah protected his Holy Ka'aba. And whoever wants to destroy it will meet with the worst consequences he can ever imagine. As Allah himself has sworn to protect his house.

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem

Have you not considered, [O Muhammad], how your Lord dealt with the companions of the elephant?

Did He not make their plan into misguidance?

And He sent against them birds in flocks,

Striking them with stones of hard clay,

And He made them like eaten straw.


Assalam o Alaikum lovelies!
How are you all?
So the story of Abraha is up. Hope you have enjoyed reading it and please if you think there are mistakes do let me know on pm. If I will find it authentic I will surely change it In Shaa Allah. As we all are learning.
May Allah reward us and accept our deeds. Ameen

(As my exams are near therefore I think it would be hard for me to update soon. But In Shaa Allah next chapter would be about Prophet Muhammad Sallallah Alaihi Wassalam's childhood. Some signs of his arrival and how he had spent his childhood. All the important events of childhood will be in next chapter In Shaa Allah)

Till then take care Allah Hafiz 💜💜

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