Halima Sadia

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Halima Sadia was the nurse of Prophet Muhammad Sallallah Alaihi Wassalam.

It was in the custom of Arab that when a child is born they handed that child to a nurse-midwife came from villages for better upbringing of child.

When the caravan of nurses entered Mecca they started finding houses where a child has been born recently. In this way many nurses came to Abd'Mutallib house but they left thinking that bringing an orphan child won't benefit them. Then came Halima Sadia.

When Halima Sadia entered Mecca she found that all the children had already been taken by others and now only one child is left who is orphan. She told her husband Abdullah bin Haris:

"I will not return without taking any child. These women will taunt me for not taking any child. Why don't we take this orphan?"

He replied, "no problem! Maybe this child will bring prosperity to our house."

Therefore Halima Sadia went at Abd'Mutallib's place. Both Abd'Mutallib and Hazrat Amina welcomed her. Hazrat Amina brought Prophet to her. She was astonished to see the beauty of Prophet Muhammad Sallallah Alaihi Wassalam. Pleasant aroma was spreading in the whole room with the every breath Prophet takes. He was sleeping at that time. When she carefully took him and placed her hand gently on his chest, he woke up and smiled at her. He looked so beautiful Subhan Allah.

Halima Sadia took Prophet with her. The mule Halima Sadia used to ride was very slow therefore she was always left behind in the caravan. But when she rode back with Prophet Muhammad Sallallah Alaihi Wassalam along with her the same mule rode faster than the whole caravan. They were all astonished to see the sudden behavior. Subhan Allah

They reached Banu Sa'ad, the place where Halima Sadia lived. The land was barren that time. Halima Sadia said that when her goats came back after grazing their teats were full with milk. Blessings were spread in the whole region due to Prophet's arrival.

Within two months Prohet learned walking and within nine months he started talking. Subhan Allah

When Prohet was two years old the time had finally came for him to return Makkah. But Halima Sadia requested Amina to keep him for few more years so that he might not get sick due to rough atmosphere of Mecca. After a lot of insisting Hazrat Amina agreed so Halima Sadia again brought Prophet to her home.

When Prophet Muhammad Sallallah Alaihi Wassalam grew a little more he went a little farther from his house to see the children playing, but he never went near them.

One day when he went outside his sight couldn't find the children playing so he asked Halima Sadia about them,

"What happened today? I can't see my brothers and sisters?"

He was talking about his foster brother Abdullah and foster sisters Sheema and Aneesa. Halima Sadia told him,

"They went with the goats for their grazing and they will return in the evening."

Upon listening to this he asked her permission to go with them and she allowed. So Prophet Muhammad Sallallah Alaihi Wassalam happily started going along with his brother and sisters.

One day the children of Halima Sadia returned in fear and describe her the unbelievable scene they saw,

"Mother please come fast otherwise our brother Muhammad (Sallallah Alaihi Wassalam) will die."

Hearing this her senses got scrambled and she ran to the place where her children saw that unimaginable scene. She saw him standing there, his face was pale with fear. He wasn't afraid that his chest has been cut and he was on pain. But he was afraid to see the angels.

Halima Sadia told that when they asked him what had happened he replied,

"Two man came to me. They were wearing white clothes (they were the angels Gabriel and Michael) one of them asked from other,

'is this him?'

'yes it's him.' the other replied.

Then they came near me and laid me down on my back. Then they cut my stomach and find something inside. They found it and threw it away. I don't know what it was."

About the thing it is said it was a black color grain. It was the house of Shaitan in humans and from there he add bad things in human."

Halima Sadia said we take him back to our house. That time Halima Sadia husband told her,

"Halima! I am afraid that this boy will get some harm so it's better to send him away to his household in Mecca."

She agreed and take him back to Mecca. But when she almost reached Mecca Prophet disppeared suddenly. Halima Sadia was terrified.


Assalam o Alaikum
Eid Mubarak to all my beautiful reader.
Taqabbal Allaahu Minna WaMinkum

Ya Allah accept all our good deeds, fasting and prayers in this month of Ramadan and help us to remain steadfast afterwards. Make us among the righteous and guide us to the right path. Ameen

Next update would be soon In Shaa Allah ❤

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