His Childhood

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When Prophet Muhammad Sallallah Alaihi Wassalam was lost while bringing him back to Mecca, Halima Sadia was terrified.

She said, "I was terrified and when I reached Mecca I told Abd'Mutallib that,

"I was bringing Muhammad (Sallallah Alaihi Wassalam) back to Mecca, when I reached the upper plain he disappeared somewhere. I really don't know how he is lost"

Listening to her words Abd'Mutallib stood near Ka'aba and prayed for his grandson's return. He then began his search for him. Warqa Bin Nofil was with him too.

In the process of finding him they reached the tehama valley. Under a tree they saw a boy standing. It's branches were deep and long. Abd'Mutallib asked the boy,

"O! boy who are you?"

Prophet Muhammad Sallallah Alaihi Wassalam had increased in height, that's why Abd'Mutallib couldn't recognized him. Prophet replied,

"I am Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abd'Mutallib"

His reply calmed Abd'Mutallib's petrubed heart and he embraced him, tears cascaded down his cheeks and he replied,

"May I die for you, I am your grandfather Abd'Mutallib"

He made Prophet sat in front and he sat behind him on his horse. Returning his home he slaughtered cows and goats and invited the people of Mecca.

After Prophet Muhammad Sallallah Alaihi Wassalam came back to his home, Hazrat Amina asked Halima Sadia,

"Halima! Why did you bring my child back, it was your wish to keep him for more time"

She replied, "Now Muhammad has grown up and for God sake my duty here is finished, I fear that he might not get any harm that's why I am giving him back to you"

Hazrat Amina was surprised listening to this and asked again,

"Tell me the truth what happened?"

Then Halima Sadia told her what had happened before bringing him back to Mecca. Halima Sadia had seen startling views that's why she was worried and when she saw his chest been cut she was agonized so she brought him back that instant. Some of the surprising scenes Halima Sadia had seen we're as described,

"Once a group of jewest passed by us. They were the believer if Torah, I asked them if they could tell me about my this son (Muhammad Sallallah Alaihi Wassalam)?

And I told them about Muhammad birth, upon listening to this they replied,

"This child should be killed" (nauzubillah)

They asked us if this child was an orphan. So I quickly pointed towards my husband that he is his (Prophet) father.

Then they said, "if the child was orphan then we would have killed him"

They said that because they've heard in old books that the last Prophet will soon come, his religion will be spread in the whole region, he will become famous throughout the region. The signs of his birth would be that he will be an orphan. Now because Halima Sadia had told him that the child had a father that's why they didn't kill him.

Once more another event took place. Halima Sadia took Prophet to a festival at Ekaz. In the period of ignorance, a famous festival was held at this place. The festival took place between taef and nakhla. The people of Arab spend their time enjoying at this festival. Halima Sadia was roaming around in the festival with Prophet. When a priest saw Prophet. He saw all the signs of prophethood in him. He shouted,

"People! Kill this child"

Halima Sadia was terrified after listening to the words of priest. So she quickly get out of festival, again Allah protected his Habib.

When people look around for a child they didn't saw anyone there so they asked priest about him,

"What happened, why were you shouting to kill a child?"

He replied, "I swear in the name of Gods! I saw a boy who will tear apart your idols and rule over you"

Listening to him people start searching for the boy but they didn't find him.

Thus Halima Sadia in a terrified condition returned the Prophet to his mother. When Prophet came back to Mecca he was four years old. In other books it is stated he was five and in one more six.

After Amina had his son all to herself, she died after that. She was buried between Mecca and Madina, a place called Abwa.


Assalam o Alaikum lovelies!
Sorry for the late update guys. I barely get time to write the chaps these days.

How was the chapter? In the next chapter we will read about his time spend with his grandfather and uncle. Hope so you will shower some love for your Beautiful Prophet. Please guys leave some feedback so that it can motivate me to complete the book.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2017 ⏰

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