Pillow fights and Neighbors.

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My alarm went off early the next morning. I groaned and picked up the alarm clock and threw it across the room. Unfortunately the stupid thing kept beeping so I had to go over there and pry the batteries out of it.

Killian sat up in bed and yawned. I took one look at him and burst into laughter. His hair was in ten different directions and his eyes were halfway closed.

He raised an eyebrow at me and laid back down face planting into the pillow. I took this as my chance and snuck up behind him with my own pillow in hand.


He quickly sat up with a shocked look on his face. But before I could duck or even block it, another pillow came flying at my face.

I stood there shocked for a moment before I grabbed the pillow and started throwing several at him.

I giggled as I retreated downstairs to change my method of attack. I hid behind the couch with three pillows next to me and when he came running after me I threw all three at him before he even looked my way.

I was laughing so hard I was in tears. Killian sat on the ground with a puppy dog look on his face pouting.

"That was bad form Swan."

I held back a laugh. "Your just mad because you lost!" I moved closer to him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Who said I lost?" He teased as he started to tickle me mercilessly.


He laughed and pinned my arms down.

"Are you surrendering?"

I bit my lip I leaned up just enough to where my lips almost touched his.

"Never." I had managed to get him to release his grip just enough for me to tackle him by jumping on his back.

We both fell over holding out sides as we laughed harder then ever.

By the time we composed ourselves it was 11:15.

"Want some food swan?"

I hugged him from behind.


He laughed and handed me a plate with bacon, waffles, and hash browns.

"Killian don't forget we have dinner with David and Mary Margret tonight at 5."

After we ate we spent four hours binge watching Netflix and finally got ready around 4:30.

I wore a white sweater with my jeans and brown boots. My hair was down normally and I wore only a little bit of makeup.

Killian had on a black shirt with dark jeans and tennis shoes.

After grabbing a bottle of champagne we headed next door.

I knocked on the door and waited. For about two seconds.

An extremely perky Mary Margret opened the door and imedently pulled me into a hug. I could hear Killian snicker behind me.

But before I could even glare at him Mary Margret pulled him into his own bone crushing hug.

Her husband came closely behind and shook my hand again.

"It's nice to see you guys again." He smiled.

"You too! Thank you so much for inviting us."

"Of course. It was our pleasure."

We came in and sat down for dinner.

The food was amazing. Mary Margret and David were very enjoyable people to be around. Mary Margret was so hopeful and happy all the time but when she was annoyed there was a hint of sarcasm in her voice towards David who was probably the biggest goofball ever. Obviously him and Killian hit it off almost instantly.

After dinner we all sat down on their couch and talked for hours while watching Netflix.

It seemed we would be spending alot of time together.

Despite her perkiness I really enjoyed being around Mary Margret and David was hilarious. I could tell Killian was enjoying himself as well.

"So... How did you too meet?" I asked Mary Margret.

"Oh well that's a complicated story.....We were in the same college for a while without knowing. And one night there was a party for Freshmen so we happened to both go. I got drunk and stole his car keys and then hit him over the head with a rock. The next day he found me and got his keys back and the rest is history." She laughed.

Well that's interesting. I laughed as David groaned.

"I still have a scar!!!"

We all laughed and soon Mary Margret asked us the same thing.

"Uh well we were at a business meeting that was extremely boring and I went outside to get some air and Killian followed me to see if I was alright. Then he took a while to get the nerve to ask me out." I teased while Killian raised his arms in the air.

"In my defense you are quite intimidating."

I glared at him and he went silent.

We all laughed again.

We talked for a while and I got Mary Margret's number before me and Killian went back home.

I collapsed into the couch as soon as we got home.

Killian laughed and came over to me.

"Tired love?"

I just groaned in response and he scooped me off the couch bridal style and whisked me upstairs to my....our room.

I needed to ask him to move in tomorrow. I knew he would say yes but I didn't think now would be very romantic considering I was half asleep.

He set me down on the bed and laid besides me.

"Is it alright if I stay here tonight swan?" He asked cautiously.

"Always. Goodnight Killian. I love you."

"I love you too Swan."

He laid down next to me and I snuggled onto his chest.


Hey guys sorry its been forever since I updated. Im in the middle of finals and all that and I also started a new book of one shots based off movies and the first one shot was 4000 words long so that took me like four days. But I hope this cute short chapter is enough to hold everyone over for a day or two! I promise I won't wait weeks to update again!😂

Happy Late Easter!

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