The Reception

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As Killian and I walked down the aisle  hand in hand I knew one thing. I was never letting go.

All around us our friends and family were clapping and cheering but all I could think about was Killian.

When we got to the isle we took a few pictures and then went to the area we were having our reception at.

People we're already there and were waiting for us.

I turned to Killian who had a giant smile on his face.

"After you Swan."

I raised my eyebrow.

"I think you mean Jones."

We both laughed and Killian pulled me close and whispered in my ear.

"You'll always be Swan to me."

I giggled and we joined the reception.

We ate a dinner of steak and several sides that were all delicious.

After that was time for the first dance.  I was terrified.

It's not like I had never danced before, but it had been a long time. Plus I have the coordination of a giraffe on stilts without heels. With them something was bound to go wrong.

Killian took my hand and led me to the center. Our song, the words, came on and we started to dance.

Suddenly all of my worries faded away and it was like Killian and I were in our living room dancing by ourselves.

I was sure my smile was bigger then it had ever been. Killian brought out a part of me that I hadn't thought I would have until I met him.

As we danced Killian would give me encouraging and loving smiles.

As the song came to an end I leaned in and kissed Killian.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too swan. Forever and always."

We walked back into the crowd and spent the night talking to everyone.

It was wonderful. I didn't leave Killians side the entire night. Around 2 AM everyone started to leave until only Killian and I were left.

Killian took my hand and bowed dramatically.

"May I have one last dance milady?"

I giggled. "You may."

So he took me towards the dance floor and we danced for minutes to nothing but the sound of the waves.

When we finished we took a walk along the beach hand in hand.

"Tonight was absolutely perfect." I whispered. While laying my head on Killians shoulder.

"Aye love. And I can only feel that it's a glimpse into our future together. No matter what happens as long as I'm with you I won't care."

"A white picket fence life, huh?"

"Perhaps. As I said, I don't need anything but you. You are my white picket fence."

I stopped walking and pulled Killian in for a kiss.

"And your mine. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us because I know it will be nothing short of amazing." I smiled.

Killian took my hand in his.

"You won't have to wait long."

Sorry this is such a short chapter but I'm tired and I have been super busy with school so I will try to get the next chapter up soon.

Speaking of I'm thinking that the next chapter will be an epiloge and then this book will be over...its my first fan-fic so I feel like 20 chapters is pretty good.... I also really want to start a new book that I think a lot of you will enjoy.

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