Elevators and idiots

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The next day I woke up to analaemblaring through my room.

"Killian why do you have an alarm?" I grumbled into the pillow.

"Because love, I got you a job interview at my company and I have a meeting with Neal."

I sat up excitedly.

"Really? An interview!?"

"Well yeah sorta. There's no way you won't get the job. The guy I have interviewing you is petrified of me. Not to mention im the Co-manager." He winked.

I threw my arms around him.

"Thank you so much. I love you."

"Of course love. I love you too. Now we better get ready or you might be late."

I got up and put a white striped shirt on with a black pencil skirt. I did a small amount of make up, brushed my hair out, and put some heels on.

Killian was waiting for me downstairs with a coffee and a biscuit.

"Thank you." I said taking them and grabbing my purse as we headed out the door to the street.

His building was only three miles away so we decided to walk.

I laced my fingers with his and his arm went around my shoulders.

"So what do you have to talk to Neal about?"

"Ugh. He wants to own more of the company then me because he claims he's 'more qualified'."

"Yeah right. The only thing he can do better then you is get on peoples nerves. Although you can be quite annoying sometimes. " I teased.

"Oi! I am not!"

"You so are! The other night you flicked whipped cream on me in the middle of dinner!"

"I suppose it you have a point. But you love me for it."

"I suppose I do." I rolled my eyes and let out a giggle.

Soon enough we got to the building and he led me up to the room I was having my interview.

He stopped at the door and turned to me.

"Good luck Swan."

"Thank you Killian. By the way, what exactly am I interviewing for?"

"My personal assistant to help me go through young adult fantasy books quicker. Your office would be connected to mine."

A large smile appeared on my face.

"Great. I'll see you soon." He pecked me on the lips and headed back towards the elevator as I knocked on the door.

A short chubby man answered the door quickly.

"Oh um you must be Miss. Swan. I'm William Smee, but you can just call me Smee."

I nodded and stepped into the office.

He motioned to a chair and I took a seat.

"So Mr. Jones said that you worked at a publishing company before this, if that correct?"

"Yes, I worked for a smaller one just outside of Manhattan."

"Ok, and what position did you work in there?"

"I was the executive for young adult books."

"Perfect. You seem qualified for the job. Its yours."

My mouth fell open.


He nodded.

"Seeing as you are already here you can start today if you'd like. I can show you the way to your office."

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