One step forward, Two steps back

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The beep of her email woke Melody the next morning

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The beep of her email woke Melody the next morning. It was Sunday, her only day off from now to eternity...well, until they got her mission ready - if they didn't give up on her by then. Scrolling through Steve's way too cheerful message for six am, Melody gritted her teeth reading the new schedule.

Monday to Saturday Melody was to have physical training with Pietro - that made her heart stop in itself, she had to re-read the times; six am to ten am - four hours? Every. single. day? How would they both survive that?

The only good news was the two hours break before the next session. long enough to calm down and go for a shower at least. Combat and weapons training with Natasha or Clint twelve to three and Ability enhancement and control with Wanda and Vision, four till six.

Finally, there was a very small list of things Melody could eat and drink, with a few notes; 'No cheating, no skipping meals, (I'll know) and make sure you drink enough water. You got this Melody, good luck'.

The last note made her smile and wish that Steve was the one to train her. He was the only person here that had even a little bit of faith in her. With a loud rumble her stomach reminded Melody she hadn't eaten since yesterday morning. She printed off her meager list and headed out to the 24hr grocery store.


Half seven the first morning and Pietro still hadn't turned up. The training room was massive and filled with workout equipment Melody hadn't the slightest idea how to use.  She did try a couple out of boredom, the treadmill wasn't too bad, but after an hour she gave up.

Melody wanted direction, a plan, a routine she could follow without having to ask for help, without having to talk to Pietro. Around half eight he strolled in without an apology or excuse; something she came to get used to over the first couple of weeks. He was never on time, Melody guessed he never cared enough.

"Have you just sat here for two hours?"

"It's my first day, I wasn't sure-"

"Just do some stretches."

He dismissed her and the rest of the session continued the same way. Pietro barking orders at Melody every time she finished one sequence, there wasn't any clear order to his instruction. She knew he was testing her, trying to see what she would do, how she would react.

There was no effort, no encouragement on his part and by the end Melody felt drained and miserable. How could she bear this every day? With a check of his watch, Pietro grabbed his stuff off the benches and walked out of the gym, leaving you stood there alone. No 'see you tomorrow', not even a 'you were shit'.

What the hell was his problem with her?


The doors were heavy as Melody pulled them open, expecting the same treatment she'd had from Pietro. Natasha smiled at her as she walked over and Clint stood up and shook her hand.

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