Mini After Party

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Ricky POV
Once we got to Gus's house Landry looked annoyed, she said "Ricardo Garcia, what in the world are you doing for this dare?" I looked at her and once we got in the BFW and GMW cast yelled HI! Landry looked confused and said "Ricky, it's not my birthday!" Then I go to the front of the room and say,

Landry will you be my, would you be my
Sweet little somethin'
Landry will you be my, would you be my
Sweet little somethin'

Landry looks at me with her big brown eyes and runs over to me and says,

Ricardo Garcia, I will be your sweet little somethin'
Because there is no point in tryin'
To be with a great guy like you
Cuz, I would love to be with someone like you

I look at her and smile and we hug, we hear everyone saying "Yay!!!" In the background which made Landry let out her cute giggle. We watched this talk show, and my ex Chloe guest starred for tonight, I was so freakin' nervous.
"So Chloe, besides Dance Moms, we heard about your break up with boybander Ricky Garcia?" The hostess said.
"Yeah, we just saw things not working out." Chloe said.
"That's too bad I was such a Clicky fan!" The hostess replied.
"Aww thanks, but some fan told me he had a secret girl anyways." Chloe answered.
"About that, we had some thinking that Ricky has been hanging out with his co star Landry Bender. And only the first few episode aired and there are more than 150shippers of Cyldo and Randry!!" The hostess said.
"Oh well that's nice, I guess." Chloe said in a cheerful monotone. I began to have envy for the hostess, Landry squeezed my hand every time the hostess said a sentence. Was she feeling the same way too??? Before the hostess said another word, I turned off the tv and said "Who's up for 'Who's most likely to'?" And everyone agreed, for they all seemed to be nervous about me and Landry. The game went by pretty long and the answers were pretty surprising such as:

Rowan and Cory would most likely to date one another
Sabrina and Gus would most likely to be relatives
I would most likely get a car first
Peyton would most likely get married first
Landry is most likely to become a DJ if she wasn't an actor
Lauren is most likely to date Channing Tatum

I wasn't the only one surprised, Peyton was really surprised, and Rowan, Cory, and Sabrina since Cory and Sabrina used to date. Gus was shocked that he and Sabrina were most likely to be relatives. The GMW cast left and it was just the BFW cast, we all slept over at Gus's house since we were all tired, Lauren had to go so it was just me, Landry, Gus. We were all on our phones, my mom secretly took a picture of us. Ben or Matthew came over for a while, but I couldn't tell, I always get them mixed up.

 Ben or Matthew came over for a while, but I couldn't tell, I always get them mixed up

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My mom whispered yes in her accomplishment. Ben or Matthew left so it was just us three, Gus kept on talking to me and Landry was just on her phone, she looked a little lonely. I asked her what she was doing, but she didn't answer, was she mad at me???
Landry POV
After Ricky's mom took the picture, the twins left so it was just the three of us. Gus and Ricky had a conversation that I wasn't involved with, so I texted Laur while listening to music(FIYM or Hamilton). Ricky looked over at me and I thought he said something, but I wasn't sure so I ignored him. I'm still texting Laur.
Laur-How's it going over there?
Me- Idk, feeling like a third wheel here....
Laur-Aww poor Landry, do want me to talk with them?
Me-No it's fine
Laur- r u sure? Cuz didn't you and Ricky just express your feelings to each Other?! Shouldn't you two be hanging out, but since it Gus house at least they should talk to u too!!!!!!!😡😠😡😠I'll calls Gus...
Me-No Laur it ok!!
Laur-fine gotta go goodnight!!

After I texted Laur I saw two of my friends lying on the floor sleeping, I sleep on the couch and went to bed. Then, somebody woke me up, I open my eyes and say "Ricky??? What's happening??" He didn't say anything, so I knew something was wrong...

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