No special favors-12

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Minato gasped in surprise as he stared at the ashamed Nato.
"What is the meaning of this?!" The Hokage demanded.
"Your daughter kicked Sakura's bento purposely during the bell test so she wouldn't get to eat."  Naruto spoke.
"NATO!" Minato yelled his voice rising.
"I-I'm sorry dad,I was hungry."
Minato softened.
"As Hokage I demand you to give Nato another chance!" Minato said as he glared at Naruto.
"Ah,So are we playing the favoritism card,hokage?"
"N-no!" Minato stuttered trying to come up with an excuse to give her daughter another chance.
"I'm sorry hokage,but no matter what,I don't do special favors." Naruto spoke getting irritated.
"I don't take demands from you." Naruto said sneering.
"Shit." Nato thought.She had blew her chance for personal training,Or dating him.His muscles showing through his black shirt,nato's eyes veered as Naruto and the hokage fought.
Naruto then smacked his hand on nato's and then turned it from his abs.
"Sorry,I'm not for staring." Naruto growled.
Minato got on his knees,and begged.
"Please,please for the love of Kami give her another chance."
Naruto sighed, "fine,but no personal training will be included,ok?"
"Fine." Minato spoke
Nato's chances of being the strongest,disappeared.
Sakura beamed the next day. The Anbu teacher had stood up for her.
The Anbu still hadn't show her his mask,but she was sure one day,That he would.They would love each other.
Naruto barked "FASTER!"
Hinata paused "Hai night fox-Sensei!"
Naruto and Hinata had trained for 2 nights now,she wasn't very good,but was getting better.She was very nice,Maybe one day Naruto would reveal the pain behind the mask,because he trusted her.
Naruto smiled as Sasuke Chidoried the tree.(under his mask of course.)
"GOOD JOB Sasuke!" Naruto yelled.
Sasuke  fist pumped his hand,still smoldering from the lightning.
He was sure,that he was the best,Better than the Anbu,better than the hokage,but still felt,like a brother.To no other than the masked Naruto.
Nato Smoldered.Instead of buying high tech 10000 dollar ninja tools,she was sitting  at home,She was only allowed to order 100 dollar kunais instead.
"Damn you Anbu."
"I will get you back,one day!"
Yaaaa! So anyway do you guys like this different perspective writing,or the other one! U decide.
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