Yin and Yang-50

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Note before this chapter starts. This is not a new chapter, but rather a re write of the same chapter 'Yin and Yang'.
Sadly, Wattpad without my permission, deleted this chapter, which took about 3-5 days to write and spell check.
I️ apologize for the wait you all are probably suffering due to this.
I️ can assure I'll be back on an every 4-5 day upload when I️ can get this back together.
So with a loathing mind and lazy fingers, I️ present to you, a new version of chapter 50, Yin and Yang.
Nato bowed her head into Sasuke's chest, being careful as she retracted, golden hair covering her round face. She gave a small smile as she slowly grabbed her bag, taking a thin black box out of it carefully. Swiping her hair behind her face, she handed Sasuke the box, a small smile across her face as he looked at her confusedly.
Shrugging, Sasuke carefully peeled the lid off the box, two small pieces of marble shining against the black soft cloth of the box. Two necklaces.
Chuckling, Nato pointed to the two objects, held by a thin brown string. "Can't you see Sasuke? It's yin and yang!" She exclaimed, picking the one with the white side of the yin and yang up and placing it around her neck.
Still being silent, Nato sighed at Sasuke, rubbing her head sheepishly. "Ya see Sasuke, I just, I just really think that you've been An amazing teammate. You feel like another half of me, you know?" She muttered, as if it wasn't important.
Sasuke began to reply, embracing his warm hand in her colds ones as a slight smile graced his lips.
As he began to speak, a sudden boom and eruption of smoke interrupted his speech.
Clenching the brown thin string, Sasuke placed the black part of the yin and yang necklace around his neck, offering a smile towards Nato. Sighing, he tucked his hands in his pockets, "it seems our ramen hangout has been cut short."
Nato nodded, her hand still stuck on the beautiful crystal gem around her neck. Preparing to go, Sasuke offered his hand. "Let's go save whoever's in that explosion, Yin," he joked, playing on the idea they had matching necklaces.
Taking his hand, Nato grinned, "you got it yang!"
She then began to take off, dragging Sasuke along playfully. Little did they know, the very boy who had brought them together, their mentor, was concealed in the ashes of the building.


Naruto couldn't breathe. The debris of the explosion had crashed on top of him, smoke filling his lungs, making him incapable of getting out. His eyes had began to water, the once so lively azure eyes he had possessed being turned into a dark grey, slowly being deprived of life.
Screaming at the top of his lungs, ash began to flood the room, his surroundings becoming horribly hot. Fire spewed from every corner, the once sterile white walls being turned into bright shades of orange and red from the flaming fire. Naruto's skin had begun to peel from the heat, in which he had kept screaming in pain, to no avail.

His screams rang through the village, but was anyone willing to save the kyuubi brat?

Giving up, Naruto allowed his eyes to slide closed. He let his body become one with the fire and ash. choking, he mustered enough strength to speak. "I'm so sorry Ino. I'm so sorry Sakura, Sasuke, Nato. I was never there for you, and Bloodbath, I'm so sorry I've left you with horrid forces. Stay strong. I will make sure someone saves you, even from Hell."
and with those words, Naruto's head hit the granite floors, the fire surrounding him. His heart started to slow as exhaustion took over him.


Sasuke and Nato ran to the building, their breath heaving as they scaled the trees and houses of Konoha.
Once they reached the burning hospital, the unbearable heat seared towards them, knocking them down as they struggled. Running towards the fire, Sasuke dodged towards a glass pane, trying to check if anyone was inside.
To his dismay, he gazed at a black silhouette, struggling for air as it thrashed against the ground. With further investigation, he could feel himself starting to sweat as he pressed against the glass further, only to see that the person dying, was intact his mentor, Nightfox.

Gasping, he yelled towards Nato, quickly hugging her as he began to explain the situation. "Nightfox is in there, he's dying!" he began, the fire now spreading toward him as he tried to summon a water jutsu powerful enough to put the fire out. Nato, shocked at the news suddenly tripped, gazing up at the building in shock. "N-Nightfox will die. There's no way to get out of that." She gasped, trying to rationalize any possible method to the madness occurring around them.
Turning around, Sasuke searches far and wide around him for any sign of help. Anbu was too far away to reach in time, even as they sped across the village. The only one's who could have any chance to save Nightfox would be them. Their was no secret miracle coming their way, no Kakashi to save the day.
Taking a deep breath, he kneeled down towards Nato, who had fallen on the ground, unable to rise from the shock of Nightfox's trapping, fear apparent in her eyes. Nato breathes heavily, tears beginning to stream as she grabbed Sasuke. "I don't w-want him to die. I don't want him to die Sasuke. We finally became friends," she sobbed, as she had finally gotten into good graces with him, had finally earned his respect.
Clutching the necklace Nato has given him earlier, he hugged her, before whispering softly, "you don't have to die, but I may have too," before rising slowly, and then darting into the burning building.
Nato, still in shock, quickly rose, chasing after him, before getting thrown back from the rising flames. "SASUKE!" She screamed, writhing against the heat coming off the building in waves. She kept yelling far and wide, her voice becoming more and more rough, louder and louder, more desperate and desperate, the longer it took for Sasuke to come out.
Clutching her side of the necklace, the brown string rubbing against her hot skin, she looked down at it meagerly.
"don't leave me, my yang to my yin. We are only at our best, together."


Naruto coughed, gazing at the debris falling all around him. His legs had been crushed by the falling wood and iron of the infrastructure of the building, and his will to live had almost begun to dissipate. He had nothing more to live for. His students would move on, Bloodbath would die, and he would be sent to hell for his behavior. Quick, done, simple. The burning heat drew closer, threatening to scrape his skin off, ash filling his lungs. All hope was lost.

About to completely give up, Naruto almost threw himself into the flames, until he heard a voice. "Sensei! Sensei!"
scrunching his nose, he listened for the voice again. This time, closer and louder, he heard the voice more clearly.
"Sasuke," he muttered under his breath, so hot, he could barely breathe. "Sasuke!" He called out once more, now louder.
Continuing to call his name, his voice drew louder and louder, until Sasuke finally reaches Naruto, heaving, and in pain.
Dragging the debris off him, Sasuke grunted, his sinuses being filled with smoke by the second. Pulling harder, he ripped the iron frame off Naruto, dragging him up by shoulder. Once Sasuke had him held up, they then begun to hobble towards the exit. Naruto had suddenly begun to be filled with such relief. Sasuke had saved him. His own student had saved him.
Beginning to mutter a thanks, Naruto smiled at him.
"Thank y-" Naruto began, before a concealed bomb in the wall went off, knocking them down. Naruto hurriedly gazed at Sasuke, his body now scratched and bloody.
He had been willing to die, but for one of his own students to die, while saving him, was a matter of something he wanted to prevent.
However, he was too weak to move him. His vision became blurry, blood pouring from his head, ringing flowing through his ears.
Holding Sasuke's face, he looked into his onyx eyes. "Don't die. For Nato." He whispered, before pushing him aside.
With his heartbeat now pounding through his head, the last vision he saw was that of a red dress. Crimson nails. Bright eyes. A sultry voice.
A crimson woman, picking him up, and dragging him away from the scene, away from Sasuke's body and the burning building.
The last thing he heard was spoken by this woman once they had reached outside.
"Ara, ara, Bloodbath's been waiting for you."

Then everything went black.


Hey! It's Kaka-Kun, the author who disappeared for a super long time!

Long story short, I just lost a lot of love for this story once this chapter had ended up being deleted. All my hard work that I had put into this had ended up being deleted, and re writing it seemed like such, (in the words of shikamaru) a drag.
But after seeing how much impact my story has created, I decided it was time to come back and finish up the tale with you guys. After all, I wouldn't want you guys to be left on a never ending cliffhanger. >:)

Anyway, it's getting late, so I'm going to get some rest. please enjoy this chapter of "Naruto, Neglect, and the Prophecy," and enjoy your day!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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