Chapter 8

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   As Julia slammed the door shut, she rushed back inn the living room in fear. "I knew it." Julia said in an angry tone. "What's wrong?" Baxter asked. "Oh nothing, there's just two zombies on my porch that look exactly like Samara and Ravine, no big deal." Julia replied in a sarcastic tone. "Care to explain?" Diana asked. "I don't know! I promise!" Baxter said as they began to hear loud bangs on the door. "Someone needs to make sure neither of the girls come downstairs and see this." Julia said. "I'm on it!" Baxter replied as he quickly ran up the steps. "I don't think it's Baxter's fault why those things are here." Diana said as she looked outside the window. "Why, what makes you say that?" Minerva asked. "Because, I can feel the dark magic coming from them as I look at them right now, there's no way Baxter has that kind of power, especially to resurrect the dead from the graves." Diana said. "I can feel it too, it's a dark dark aura." Minerva replied.


   As Samara, Ravine, and Baxter all sat down in Samara's room, Baxter tried to make up an exuse in his head on why the girls can't go downstairs. "So let's get to know each other, as you both know I'm your brother." Baxter said. "My mom, aunt, and even grandmother refuse to say your name in this house, I wanna know why." Ravine asked in a suspicious tone of voice. "It's a long story, I'd rather someone else tell you." Baxter said. "Well Ravine, I say we go downstairs and ask mom right now." Samara said as she stood up from the bed, as Ravine agreed and did the same. "No, no. Just wait a second!" Baxter said as he raced out of the room and shut the bedroom door tight behind him. "Let us out!" Ravine yelled as she began to bang on the door. Baxter enchanted the lock so they couldn't open it.


   After finding out the death of Ben, Alexa was painting a big memorial of him to hang up in the library. All of the workers there all helped to make this memorial special for him. "Alright you guys, this only took us like four hours to do, and I think it looks great, Ben would love it." Alexa said as she stared at it with pride and a smile on her face. Everyone lifted up the giant piece of paper, and hung it up on strings where everyone could see it. Everyone in the building began clapping and cheering for all the hard work that finally payed off, some even tearing up a bit. It read, "Rest Easy Ben, We Will Miss You."


   As Ruby and Mallory stood face to face in the kitchen, Ruby secretly had a knife behind her back. "I told you not to tell Dean about what we are, Mallory. Now it's time for you to pay, you're gonna be one sorry girl, he's the only person I have left in my life." Ruby yelled in anger. "Come on Ruby, it was bound to come out someday, at least Dean now knows that his mother is a big fake liar, and a fraud!" Mallory said. "You won't be a problem for me no longer." Ruby said. "Try me, what are you gonna do?" Mallory asked with a laugh as Ruby pulled the knife from her back and sliced open Mallory's throat with it. "Don't worry any longer, now you're dead forever." Ruby said with a smile as the blood began to leak all over Mallory and onto the floor. She held her neck as tightly as possible, then fell to the ground.


Julia, Diana, Minerva, and Baxter all gathered together in the kitchen. "Ok, Julia, as hard as this is gonna be for you, those rotting dead corpses need to die, and go back into the hole they came from." Diana said. "And this is gonna do the job." Minerva said as she put four sharp, long fire pokers on the table. "Are you sure?" Julia asked with a shaky tone of voice, as they heard the front door bust open, and groans began to fill the house. "I'm sure." Diana replied in fear.


   Samara found a hammer underneath Samara's bed. "Should I do it?" Samara asked. "Maybe we should just wait, obviously mom or someone would've heard us by now, so I know their all up to something, and we need to find out." Ravine said. "What if Baxter is hurting them or something?" Samara asked. "I doubt it, we just need to make up a plan." Ravine said. "Ok so, all we're gonna do is take the door knob off with this hammer right? My bedroom door." Samara said with a nervous tone in her voice. "Just give me that stupid hammer." Ravine said as she grabbed it out of Samara's hands and took the doorknob off with one hard swing.


   Ruby started to clean up the bloody mess from Mallory's dead body with her new maid, Erica. "We need to hurry before my son see's this mess I created!" Ruby said in a sad tone as she stared down at the dead body. "Why did you kill her?" Erica asked. "I didn't wanna do it in such a gruesome way like this, but it just had to be done, please keep this to yourself, ok?" Ruby said. "Okay, sure." Erica replied. "Great, now lets get this body out of here and done in the basement please." Ruby said as they both stared down at the dead, and lifeless body of Mallory.


   As Ravine and Samara walked quietly and slowly out of Samara's room, they tried to see if they can hear anything downstairs. "Ravine, I don't think I wanna know what's going on down there at all, I have a feeling whatever we're gonna see, will change out lives forever." Samara said in a nervous tone. "I'm starting to feel the exact same way, I feel eerie for some reason." Ravine replied as she looked at the end of the hallway and  saw Ben's ghost standing there looking at her.


   It was just about time to go home, and Harper was alone in the office in the hospital after a long day without Dean's help. She was the only one left on that floor in the hospital, just as she was about to leave, she saw a man standing outside of the office looking at her through the glass. "May I help you?" she asked as the old man stood there quiet as ever. Harper opened up the door to her office and as she walked out, the man turned into a form of her, it was the shapeshifter. "Oh my god." Harper screamed as the shapeshifter grabbed her by the heck and began to choke her. As Harper struggled to get away, she punched the shapeshifter right in the gut, and locked herself inside her office as she struggled to breathe.


   Julia and Diana both ran into the living room where they both saw undead Ravine and Samara. "I can't believe this is happening." Julia said as they started walking closer and closer to them. Julia gabbed undead Samara's arm with the fire poker, as they rotting arm fell on the ground. Julia and Diana started walking backwards as all of a sudden Minerva threw the fire poker in mid air, and it went straight through undead Ravine's scull, and the rotting corpse fell to the ground, as Diana finished off undead Samara by jabbing the fire poker straight through the socket of her missing eyeball.


   Ruby and Erica lugged Mallory's dead body down the long, steep basement steps. As they began walking down the hallway, they approached the room with the Evil Oak in it. "What's this?" Erica asked with a scared look on her face. "Just throw the body in there, it'll all make sense in the end, I promise, and thank you so much for all your help." Ruby said with a smile. "Don't mention it." Erica replied back as they threw the body in the room, and the Evil Oak began to swallow the body up completely.


   As Samara and Ravine made their way down the stairs, they saw Julia, Diana, Minerva, and Baxter standing around the dead rotting bodies. "I guess my enhanced lock spell didn't work against a hammer." Baxter said. "We wanna know what's going on, right now." Ravine said as she threw the hammer on the floor. "Girls, I'm so sorry you had to see this." Minerva said. "This isn't what it looks like." Julia replied back.


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