24:Renee's back.

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reborn: what happened?

yuuhi:Don actually placed explosives in the whole building before hand. He exploded the whole mansion with a click of a button. He shielded as he pressed he button. I saw him got burned as the explosion blew us away. But than, one of the debris hit in in the head and I blacked out...The next minute I knew, kyouya was in front of me.

reborn: oh....I see...How about Jen?

yuuhi: I'm not sure. I didn't see him die in front of my eyes. It's really hard to say if you ask me.

kyouya pats onto yuuhi's head and pulled her close to him, 'You are not allowed to leave my side.I can't gaurantee your safety. I am not letting you go though ay of that again.'

yuuhi: kyouya....

reborn: I know that look. You aren't just let it go.

hibari: I won't let you. Stay. You are not going anywhere.

yuuhi: but I want to take revenge for don, take revenge for everything they have done to me. I have gotten tired of running.

reborn: you want to destroy the Intelligence?

yuuhi: yes.I ...also want to take back my memories if I could...

hibari gave a worried expression,though it wasn't obvious but yuuhi could see right straight through him. 'I promise I will bring you with me.'

hibari:alright than.

'good. At least we have a consensus.' a man they were all familiar with walked in. He was renee, her brother.

reborn: you talked her into this?

renee: you could say that.

reborn: you can still walk out of this now.I will support you.

yuuhi:he's my brother,I can't really reject him...

reborn:he's not a lucifer. You know that. He is not your brother. He may be a miteko but the Intelligence made you belive that. You are not chained to him.

renee: you are taking this he wrong way acrabelano.

Reborn's face darkens and his gun was pointed right at renee's face. 'I am not playing with you.No one messes with me. Not my partner.'

renee: woah....yuuhi.Say something.

yuuhi: I thought of this many times.I just never did it. Maybe now is the chance...

reborn:you sure?

hibari: yuuhi. Why? This is not about revenge is it?

yuuhi: I... I just want to remember about my mama again...I don't remember her face but the songs that she teached me when I'm young. It's still there...I want to remember her again...

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