28:a rival

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author's note: Hihi!!! People who add my stories. I know that this story should have been completed.. but I felt like writing a little more before ending. Feeling a little...wanting to write. Hope you guys would like this continuation.

hibari: late students shall be punished.

'ale...punished you say? I am not late according to my watch. Still 2 seconds left. I am in base and am safe.'

hibari: new student, kuri medrey.

medrey: ale, even the president know me. Am I that famous?

hibari: kuri this school moves on my watch. You are late.

medrey: on your watch? Why not mine? Since when was the rules made?

hibari:oh, you are challenging me.

yuuhi:kyouya!!! Ale...*gasps* you are....

medrey: yo. Miteko. Or should I call you yuuhi? Or maybe yuuhi-hi is cuter?

hibari: kamikorosu (I'll bite you to death)

yuuhi: wait!!! Why are you here? Or more specifically,you shouldn't be here.

medrey: japanese intelligence. You are afraid that me, aren't you?

yuuhi: I don't want anything to do with the japanese intelligence.

medrey: I need your help. Only you can help me. No,help us.

yuuhi:stay away...


* knock knock*

hibari: come in.

medrey: yo.

hibari:you again?

medrey: I need your help.

hibari: I don't stick with weak herbivores. Only herbivores group together.

medrey: its about yuuhi.

hibari: I can protect yuuhi by myself. I don't need you. And address her as miteko. I don't allow you to call her yuuhi.

medrey: so you're that lover they've been talking about. Strong,cold,scary.


medrey: I will make her mine to listen to. Protect? A man like you will end up condraticting yourself.With no determination to give up anything. That very selfish thought of not sacrificing anything, you will suffer for that act.

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